6000 vs 8111 Remote codes

John Kotches

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 21, 2003
Troy, IL (STL Area)
For anyone that has a Pronto or other Universal remote and an 811...

Do the old 6000 Remote Codes work for controlling 811? Boy that would be nice, wouldn't it?

All Dish IR codes are the same between receivers (with the exception of the Dishplayer), so if the 811 does in fact accept IR codes, the 6000 remote should be able to control it if it's set to the same address. Or any other dish blue button or silver remote for that matter.
Im hoping the same thing. At least until Harmony gets the 811 in its data base. Marks answer makes sense though because thats why we had to change the address on one of ours because another remote was changing its channels.
OK, how about the other way - will the blue button remotes control the 811 via RF? Anyone try this yet?
We're modulating the 6000 SD output to 3 bedroom TV's with blue button remotes. Quick, simple and inexpensive. Otherwise, it's repeaters or whole-house IR.

Scott, my concern is that the 811 remote is UHFpro, like the 522. Won't this different frequency keep the blue button remotes from controlling the 811 via RF? I'm cool with the IR part, but need control from several distances and locations.
Correct Blue Button UHF remotes will not control the 811 as the UHF pro remotes use a different frequency.

Hopefully DishStore.NET stocks UHFpro remotes soon. :)
Thanks, Scott. Looks like it's time to play the $149 811 lottery. After that, it'll be the Remote Shuffle. Nobody ever said it would be easy - I'll probably have to paint those shiny new UHFpro's black just to keep from getting crucified by the rest of the remote-confused family members :rolleyes:

Oh, and my apologies to the OP for hijacking the thread!

I have a 6000 remote available, so I can use that to program the learning remote for anything not already predefined on the remote.

Wacky but true, this just might work out for me :D


DVI dual link or single link??

Just called dish and now I'm confused!!!

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