Help if you can. Have an installation in the middle of the woods. Have a 1000.2 set up for the main sat 110 and119. Suppose to use 129 for HD but is blocked by trees. I set up a 500 on the other side of the yard and aimed it for 61.5 for simulcast HD. Problem is I have low strength. The main feed is about 100 feet. From there I'm running another 50 to the wing dish and tying in to the 1000.2 LNB. Is that to long of a run for the wing dish. #2 As I'm looking out in the sky, Is 61.5 higher then the 110 119 129 dish. Trying to determine if I'm catching the tree line. Also have a tree to the right side of the wing dish. I'm getting the 61,5 and it's locked but I'm hit and miss on certain transponders like 27. Basically I'm trying to decide where the problem is at so I can decide what to do next. Any suggestions would be great, First time on the this site.