612 DVR Question


Original poster
Jan 7, 2009
What is the meaning of the Daily Schedule indicators, the white circled red, green, and blue buttons with subscript numbers?
Some of it is obvious, but when I give a programmed event top priority and I see a blue button with subscript 2 and there is nothing else interfering with that time slot what am I to think?

Why didn’t it turn green?
Talked to DN

Dish tech support was able to help some.
They were unable to provide any written reference, either on-line or in the 612 manual.
They put me on hold several times and then we were disconnected.
Nobody called back.

Phone call: 1-13-09 01:15pm EST
I think it's an indication of which tuner will be used for that specific recording.
They did say that the 612 can record and watch a different channel at the same time!
That came as a complete suprise. A long time ago I had a dual tuner receiver, I think it was a 924 or something like that.
That is if the button is blue.
She did say if it is 'green' it will interrupt what you are watching, but if it is 'blue' it won’t.
Green must mean you have two timers active at the same time.

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