622 HDMI Port Failure ?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 18, 2006
Leesburg, VA
I've read a lot on here about the 622's HDMI port failing and people waiting on S/W updates to resolve it. My question is why do people not just have the 622 replaced by dish?
This has been a substantial problem, enough so that E* discussed it in one of their Tech Chats in the fall (Sept., IIRC). They mentioned that the HDMI socket in models that have one is a weak link, but offered no real plan for correcting it. There are also some situations where the "handshake" between the TV and the 622 via the digital port (not sure about the 211, 411) is inadequate and that is indeed SW related. E* has taken the approach that blames all HDMI port issues on SW and tries to stall a replacement. I have yet to read about anyone in these threads who actually had a non-functioning HDMI port corrected with a SW update, but I may have missed one.

Those who have persisted have been granted a swap-out. You have that option - call Tech Service (not the CSRs) and explain your situation. Tell them that the port did work and quit (assuming that's true) and that you tried a replacement cable. If they snow you with the "waiting on a SW update" line, hang-up and call again. You can also escalate to ceo@echostar.com.

The other option is to live with the component connections. For many customers that's a very viable and, to this point, reliable option. In some cases customers report that the HD PQ is actually superior via the component connections, tho' this is a very subjective comparion and equipment settings, ambient conditions, program content, and other factors will impact the outcome (YMMV).

I'm in favor of the swap-out. Since we are paying for a feature it should be operational! If you have an operating HDMI port, do everything you can to protect it. Off load the weight of the cable hanging from the HDMI plug, make sure it can't be moved, and make sure the 622 has LOTS of ventilation...!
Luckily my HDMI port has not failed me....Just got it less than 30 days ago. And if it does fail, i'll be calling non-stop until a replacement is sent.

622, no. 211 yes. My 211 had a "failed" HDMI port which was indeed cured with the last SW update.

If it's the same affliction; then the cure can be software.

I know it's working via HDMI now as the only connection for video is HDMI.

Tks, John - I hadn't seen anything, tho' you might have posted this info before. I pay more attention to the 622 stuff since that's the one I have, but this is indeed a universal issue. I have always allowed that it could be SW with the 622, but my guess is that the majority are hard failures...

I had my first 622 for around 4 months using the component inputs on my older Mitsubishi 55" that had no HDMI connection. When it went down after the warranty had expired I decided to upgrade with a new Samsung HLS-6187 that had HDMI. When I connected HDMI cables to my 622 and to my DVD player the DVD HDMI worked but the 622 did not. I swapped cables and had the same result so I knew that it was not a cable problem. I call Dish and I had a good CSR that was aware of the HDMI problems and swapped out the 622 immediately.

I have compared the quality between HDMI and Component as I have both connected (just in case the HDMI would fail) and cannot tell a bit of difference in quality between the two.
...I have compared the quality between HDMI and Component as I have both connected (just in case the HDMI would fail) and cannot tell a bit of difference in quality between the two.
I have the same situation and essentially the same result. If anything I believe the analog connection to be a bit "warmer" (better color depth) and the digital to be a bit sharper and it seems to work a bit better for high action programs (less macroblocking). Unfortuntately my Sony TV takes too long to switch between the two to give a more "real time" comparison.
I am on my third 622-keeping my fingers crossed. Ron:up
Protect it all you can. If you're trying to preserve the HDMI connection, make sure you have zero weight on the plug and that it won't "wiggle" if you move equipment, and make sure the unit has very unrestricted ventilation...

(PS - I have been to Horseheads. There used to be a Toshiba picture tube factory there, IIRC. I suppose it went the way of the proverbial buggy whip by now, no...?)
They will, unfortunatly, you have to call more than once.

Boy, I sure didnt.....I had the HDMI failure.....I called up and the CSR offered a replacement straight away. I actually asked if it was software related and might fix itself with an update. He said maybe, but couldnt be sure and wasnt sure when the next update would be out. I called on Saturday and had a new 622 on the following Weds without any arguing or pleading.
I had the same... A failure a few months back, they sent me a new box. No problems... Now I have component HD being run 100' to a second HDTV so it better not fail now!!
So I've been going through this "failed" HDMI port situation for some time now on my 622. After about 5 loooong calls to the tech reps they finally send me out a "new" unit. There is a reason I have new in quotes...will get to that in a second. Before the replacement unit was shipped to me, I asked the tech rep like 3 times if the HDMI port worked on this new unit...because I didn't want to go through the hassle of configuring everything again and loosing my recorded shows if the same issue was going to happen…he assured me that all replacement units are thoroughly tested. The new 622 arrives and I am VERY disappointed. Clearly it was a refurbished unit complete with scratches on the face plate and on the top of the box. I hook it up only realize that the HDMI is not working also there is a problem with the OTA antenna port, it can’t pull in any OTA HD channels. I quickly box it up and send it back with a nice note. I am now hesitant to call AGAIN because it seems that all the tech reps keep saying that if my component works fine there really is no need to switch to HDMI. So I call, and explain to the person what my situation is and he kind of chuckles, and then says “I am surprised they sent you out a new unit since they know this is an issue and most of the units the problem still exists”. Needless to say I was a bit perturbed and have yet to call back. So be weary, the new unit is most likely a refurbished unit that someone took less care of then you would, and there is no guarantee that the HDMI port will work.
Protect it all you can. If you're trying to preserve the HDMI connection, make sure you have zero weight on the plug and that it won't "wiggle" if you move equipment, and make sure the unit has very unrestricted ventilation...

(PS - I have been to Horseheads. There used to be a Toshiba picture tube factory there, IIRC. I suppose it went the way of the proverbial buggy whip by now, no...?)

I've spent the night in Horseheads driving across country. It was mid-september, and the ground froze overnight it was so cold. It's right near Elmira, which is where my Grandfather made the first big sale in his box business 70+ years ago.

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