622 Video Format Issue


Original poster
Sep 16, 2006
I moved to Dish on Saturday after dumping D* (4 years). I have a 622 and 2-211’s. I have 622 hooked to OTA so I can get by PBS HD.

On 622 when I am watching HD content on any of the 94** channels my video format is set to “Normal”. Then when I move to any other SD channels (say 301 HBO) my video format is stretch which is good, I want it that way.

But then when I switch to my local SD channels say CBS/NBC/ABC/FOX my video format is “Normal”, I see the black bars on the side so it is same as my HD format. If I change that format to stretch and move to any HD channels on 94**, the video format on HD’s is stretch and I have to readjust it to “Normal”.

It does not happen on 211’s. On 211’s all my SD’s are stretch and all my HD’s are “Normal”. Also on 211 clearly see two options one for HD and one for SD, on 622 I do not see that.

I called the Dish tech support, they transferred me to advanced tech support, the guy had no idea either and said to me that since I have my HD resolution set to 720P I may be getting that and they recommend using 1080i, that does not make sense. I like to watch NFL on FOX on 720P as the broadcast is 720P. The tech guy then offered me a replacement 622 and if the replacement did the same, then he will send it to engineering as a defect.

Has anyone experienced the same? My wife does not care about SD/HD and she is still used to watching local channels using the regular channel number in NY area so when she goes there she see the black bars.

I am on software version 365 and something else is on 289, as per the Dish support I have all latest versions on 622. Also the PQ on HD is not same as my D* HR10-250, D* was better, I am using the same cables and same inputs as D*, I guess I will have to play little more with 622.

The 622 works in different ways depending on which output you are watching? When you say local sd channels, are you infact talking about the sd programs on your local digital ota's or the sd supplied via dish (not the 63xx or 64xx's).
garys said:
The 622 works in different ways depending on which output you are watching? When you say local sd channels, are you infact talking about the sd programs on your local digital ota's or the sd supplied via dish (not the 63xx or 64xx's).

SD supplied via Dish.
garys said:
The 622 works in different ways depending on which output you are watching? When you say local sd channels, are you infact talking about the sd programs on your local digital ota's or the sd supplied via dish (not the 63xx or 64xx's).

So for example:
CBS is supplied as channel 2 in NYC metro. I am talking about channel 2 not the 6301. I get this issue on Channel 2.

I have my locals and all 94** HD's from 61.5 satellite, not sure if that has got anything to do with it.
The mapped down channels (ie: those at 2, ect.) may be the HD locals, default on the vip receivers are for HD not sd channels. HD should be at normal, but the bars will show when those channels present an sd program. Double check this to verify exact nature of the channels in questions. If they are sd, the system should put them into stretch mode, if they are the HD, putting them into stretch will but all other HD channels into stretch as well.
Unless you are watching on a CRT, your programs will be displayed in the set's native resolution- 720 or 1080. If your set is a 720p native display, 1080 programming will be downconverted to 1080- and if your set is a native 1080 unit, then 720 programming will be upconverted to 1080. Whether the TV does the conversions better than the Dish receivers is something you will have to experiment with.
My 622 does the same thing. The reason is, that OTA channels are considered HD content to the 622. If you change the program guide to ALL HD, all the HD channels are shown only, including the OTA locals. And HD conent is normally shown in 16x9. OTA does not show all conent in HD, therefore switch to 4x3 when showing SD content.

HD in Alaska

Problems with OTA WPRI 12 in Providence

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