625 DVR: Seamless Slo-Mo, Timers List


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 13, 2005
Webster NY
Hi All,
I have discovered a couple features of the 625 DVR that I believe are undocumented. Did anyone know about these?

1. Seamless Slow Motion:
Normally when you press Pause, and then press the Forward button, you go to 1/15 slow motion, but there is a jump in time of a few seconds to the point where the slow motion begins. But I have discovered if you press Pause, then press the Skip Ahead button, then press Forward, you will start 1/15 slow motion from exactly the point where you paused, with no discontinuity.

If you try this, you will notice when you press pause, there will be a white progress bar at the bottom of the screen, then when you press Skip Ahead, (the button that usually causes you to skip ahead 30 seconds in Play mode,) pressing Skip Ahead while paused doesn't make you skip ahead 30 seconds, instead it makes the white progress bar disappear, and be replaced by a small icon that looks like a Pause bar with a Play arrow. Like this 'II>'. You can then start forward (or backward) slow motion from the pause point.

I have noticed this trick only seems to work with a recorded event. It doesn't seem to work if you just pause live TV.

2. Timers List:
I have discovered if you press the DVR button three times in a row, you will get to the Timers List. (Pressing once displays the VOD menu, pressing twice shows the list of recorded events, and then pressing a third time goes right to the screen where it shows the event timers that are set to record today and in the future.)

In case you are wondering, my 625 software is version 383, and I've had this DVR since last week, I upgraded from a 508, which served me well for 3 years. I just have to add for anyone else who is considering an upgrade to the 625, do it! The 625 has added virtually all the features I used to wish the 508 had.

I hope I'm not repeating what other people already knew here. But I didn't see these tips before, so perhaps it will help somebody.


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