721 CallerID & PPV/NHL


Original poster
Oct 28, 2003
Probably coincidence, but around 2/8, my NHL Center ICE stop working (worked on my 501), looked in the PPV events and saw 3 events for Center ICE. I paid it in full last Fall, and had a $200 credit on my account. Every time I selected a NHL Center Ice channel it told me that I needed to order it. I have never deactivated this machine, and I have had this same machine for over 2 years, and this is my main receiver. I called Advanced Tech Support and he had to remove all my PPV stuff and add it back in to get it to work, and has never ever seen this happen unless the receiver has been deactivated for a long period of time.

That leads me into my coincidence, but on that day (2/8) also shows the last time my Caller ID has worked. I thought that the line came loose or something, but its fine. Did the telephone connection test and it passes. Machine has been rebooted numerous times since then. Any ideas?


This $1000 is burning a hole in my pocket

Update on 522 in single mode?

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