721 deal active yet?


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Apr 12, 2004
Anyone heard if the 721 deal for $249 is up yet or what? I would actually skip out on the 811 deal and go for this one. My 6000 is stable and it works! Yea the guide is slow, but who cares. It doesn't reboot, it has great pic quality, and did i mention it works? I usually use the 6000 for my OTA digital's and the HD pack and nothing else, and use my 508 for regular viewing. So if anyone has any details about this offer, please fill me in!! Thanks fellas.

10 - Out
Of course CSR's are clueless, haven't found one yet who will tell me there's a deal out there. 3 calls, all told me to buy the 721 outright.
I've emailed Dish to find out if I can buy from Dish Depot, even though I first was set up through Dish.

Does anyone know if this deal includes running a new line if needed? That would make the deal even sweeter.
Maybe DISH is not offering this version of the DVR Upgrade Promo beacuse they never did sell PVR721s directly. You may have to go through a local dealer. If he wasn't your original retailer of record he will certainly have to charge for any additional installation.
I don't know if this is the deal being discussed, but here's my story.

Wrote a long E-mail to ceo@echostar.com explaining my 6+ years with Dish and still on original 5000 and 1000 purchased 6+ years ago and where I wanted to go. Got a call from a Michael and discussed possibilities. I really want to go HD PVR, i.e. 921, but no good deals there. Then he offered me a 721 for $250. Discussed more about where I wanted to go, a PVR and two standard receivers. Worked out this deal:

PVR 721 $250
2 Dish 301s 130
Quad Dishpro LNB 0
Shipping 0
Total $380

One year commitment, did not have to return 5000 and 1000, no CC auto pay, new 721, refurbished 301s and Quad DishPro LNB sent directly to me so I could do my own install, as I have always done. (I just don't trust the installation work force especially after reading other install horror stories here.)

Although this does not get me HD for satellite, I do have HD with my Sony KDP-57WS550 w/OTA HD tuner and my old attic installed antenna. Almost all of the locals here in the DFW area transmit an HD signal and many prime time broadcasts are in HD.

Right now I'm very happy with this deal. I'm better positioned for future HD receivers with the Quad DishPro LNB than with the dual twin legacy LNBs I was using. And unlike others, I like having my phone line connected to all of my receivers. For me the little Caller ID feature is a huge plus. And now I have it on all three receivers instead of just one.

I can also sell my old 5000, 1000, legacy LNBs and switches if I choose to. I haven't decided yet.

Are there other opinions to this deal? I would be interested.

Where can I get the upgrade to a 721 deal at??

Where can I get the upgrade to a 721 deal at??

i curently have a 811 on my sony kdf-70xbr950 and a 301 on my smaller tv. i would really like some sort of dvr/pvr (don't really know the difference) that i can use on my big tv with the 811. i realize i wouldn't be able to record hd-but that is fine. mostly i just want to record ota and sd stations now, and my vcr won't hook up to the 811. my question is, could i use a 522/721 in the room with the 811 for the big tv-and also use it on the small tv in the other room-thanks the dvr's kinda confuse me...
I contacted my local Dish retailer last week, he ordered a 721 and delivered it last Friday. The only small hitch was that he charged me $15 shipping on top of the $249 price. He explained that he made no profit on the sale and since he had to pay shipping, he passed it along to me. Bye the way he is not my original system dealer. No problems with the unit so far!
Stingray :)
mmdieter said:
i curently have a 811 on my sony kdf-70xbr950 and a 301 on my smaller tv. i would really like some sort of dvr/pvr (don't really know the difference) that i can use on my big tv with the 811. i realize i wouldn't be able to record hd-but that is fine. mostly i just want to record ota and sd stations now, and my vcr won't hook up to the 811. my question is, could i use a 522/721 in the room with the 811 for the big tv-and also use it on the small tv in the other room-thanks the dvr's kinda confuse me...

Unh. If you can't hook your VCR to the 811, it's either so old it's moldy and you need to go spend $50 at Wal-Mart on a new HiFi-Stereo VCR. OR, you need to do a lot more homework to get edumacated on how these hookups work.

P.S. The difference between a DVR and a PVR is the $5/mo you have to feed Charlie. That's it - no more, no less - just ANOTHER ripoff by Charlie.

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