721 Dish PVR Deal for $249


New Member
Original poster
May 14, 2004
In the most recent Tech Forum on May 10, it was mentioned that the Dish PVR 721 units would be available at local retailers for $249. My local dealers do not seem to have any and also think that the model has been discontinued. Does anyone know of for sure if this model has been discontinued, but more importantly where can I purchase one?
I contacted my local Dish retailer last week, he ordered a 721 and delivered it last Friday. The offer is on the Dish dealer web site. The only small hitch was that he charged me $15 shipping on top of the $249 price. He explained that he made no profit on the sale and since he had to pay shipping, he passed it along to me. Bye the way he is not my original system dealer. No problems with the unit so far!
That is very understandable from that retailer's viewpoint to charge the shipping fee since he sold it at his cost. It is still an excellent deal and better than paying the higher costs for them.
Very fair price 249.00 plus 15.00 shipping i would buy one now. Who did you get it from ??
721 quad LNBF install

I have two receivers at this time. I want to add the 721 on the upgrade for $249 and replace one of my receivers. I will now need 3 imputs from dish. Retailer wants to charge me an additional $120 for a quad LNBF install. Has anyone else experienced this? :confused:
The quad lnb does run around 120.00 or more. If you go through Dish I think that all switches are free. Why dont you call Dish and talk to someone in the executive office and see what they will do. Anyone out there who can list the executive e-mail address for him to try? I have forgotten it.
MikeD-C05 said:
The quad lnb does run around 120.00 or more. If you go through Dish I think that all switches are free. Why dont you call Dish and talk to someone in the executive office and see what they will do. Anyone out there who can list the executive e-mail address for him to try? I have forgotten it.

I thought on the tech chat they said any switches would be included.
The email address is ceo@dishnetwork.com
i emailed them and they called me back a day later. they charged me $299 for the receiver because i didn't go through a retailer but included all the LNBs and switches for free.
I just got the 721 under that deal, did the install myself... swapped out my 508 and 301 and got the salesman (my boss) to knock down the price. Mirrored the line to my other TV and everything's great, I LOVE the PIP, recording 2 shows at once.. and my PQ improved.

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