721 Record entire event not working


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 1, 2003
Roanoke, TX
I have found that (apparently with the last software load) now when I record a show that is complete in the buffer, and I choose "record entire event" it starts the recording properly (cuts the buffer to the beginning of the event) but it won't stop recording at the end of the event. I have to stop it manually. Can anyone else confirm this as a new bug?

no probs here

Hi, I've been using that feature since it came out and I haven't had any problems with it not stopping at the end of the program. Maybe someone else can help with this problem. :confused:
Well, I have used it in the past so I know us used to work, but it ain't workin' now... :(

C'mon Dish, let's get with the program. It's not an often used function (by me) but it's really neat. Let's fix it, shall we? :D
It's never worked for me, since August 2002. If it has ever worked, it has apparently only worked sporadically, which might partially explain why its not fixed (it worked when tested...once).

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