721 Software updates re: hard drive spinning down


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Oct 1, 2003
Wasn't L1.15 or 1.16 supposed to let the hard drive spin down when it wasn't doing anything? My third 721, which I've had for almost a year now, was as quiet as a church-mouse, but I've noticed that it's gotten noisier and noisier, with the sound being the hard drive spinning 24/7. It's working fine, but the noise is getting obtrusive again (my first 721 sounded like a lathe in a machine shop, and this one's almost there!). Knowing that my first one died of HD failure, should I get ready for the big crash? I have 65 hours worth of movies recorded that I'd hate to lose, but we all know how that goes.......

Can I get my locals (Savannah GA) and the New York Networks?

Memphis Spot Beam

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