722 pixelation and complete signal loss


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Aug 18, 2009
I've been having pixelation and signal loss on my 722, meanwhile my 211 upstairs is working fine for my wife at the same time. I had the 722 replaced 2 months ago. Still the same problem. I went around and checked all the connections. I did notice some thing that I think is not right. The dual grounding block is pretty hot, not lukewarm, hot. I'm going to take a stab in the dark, is it a bad LNB? Anybody every see this before?
I have already tried moving the boxes back an forth. The fact that the grounding block is getting hot, kinda implies that there is a lot of current flowing on it. The only current that can be flowing is the DC bias for the LNB. I am wondering if maybe water has gotten inside one of the LNBs. All the wiring in the house is good. I don't recall the block getting hot before.
I have already tried moving the boxes back an forth. The fact that the grounding block is getting hot, kinda implies that there is a lot of current flowing on it. The only current that can be flowing is the DC bias for the LNB. I am wondering if maybe water has gotten inside one of the LNBs. All the wiring in the house is good. I don't recall the block getting hot before.
Do NOT touch any of the wiring, do NOT touch the ground block or the ground wire. Make the tech aware of a possible electrical issue as it could be very hazardous to his or her health.
1 of 2 things it can be. 1. the LNB is bad and producing too much current. I have had over 100 volts surge through my arm from a shorted LNB. 2. ground problem at the outlet you are using. a bad ground at an outlet or at the service panel can route dangerous voltage through the ground block. As said before..do not mess with it because you could receive a serious shock.
Thanks for all the replies and to Zacj for setting my appointment. The tech came out to the house this morning. I showed him how the grounding block was getting warm. I appers that water has neen getting down the cable and corroding the insdie of the grounding block. Water had gotten all the way down to my Monster power conditioner. He replaced the cables Everything is looking good again. Thanks again everyone. This is the perfect example of why I have Dish Network and not Charter! Great service!

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