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As soon as you sign his tablet, you did indeed close the work order and he conned you into doing that so he could get paid. The thing is that if he is a sub contractor, Also known as an RSP,or a dish internal and another tech has to come back they consider that a 12 day trouble call or what we call an R12. No technician that gives a damn about his job once one of these because they affect pay and promotion. It sounds like this guy may come from a local retailer who are not always bound by dish standards and it also sounds like he's just lazy.

I don't want to pat myself on the back but I promise you that if it was me knocking on your door the first time, the problem would've been fixed and there are a whole lot of techs that would agree with me. It's these shoddy companies and shoddy technicians that gives the rest of us a bad name.

I truly apologize for what you've been going through and I hope that it gets worked out quickly. Some of us take Best in class seriously

I also remember him mentioning, that he didn't bring the longer ladder (despite being in the work order) due to the fact that the next size ladder requires two techs because it is 40 feet. So in reality, the tech came with no intention of fully fixing the issue.
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... It sounds like this guy may come from a local retailer who are not always bound by dish standards and it also sounds like he's just lazy.

I don't want to pat myself on the back but I promise you that if it was me knocking on your door the first time, the problem would've been fixed and there are a whole lot of techs that would agree with me. It's these shoddy companies and shoddy technicians that gives the rest of us a bad name.

I truly apologize for what you've been going through and I hope that it gets worked out quickly. Some of us take Best in class seriously

BS. He's dealing directly with DISH and they don't send local retailers, they send guys like you. If he had a good local retailer he would never have to deal with this mess nor would he be hard pressured into buying a bottle of screen cleaner or an over priced HDMI wire.

And don't break your arm while you're there patting yourself.
I also remember him mentioning, that he didn't bring the longer ladder (despite being in the work order) due to the fact that the next size ladder requires two techs because it is 40 feet. So in reality, the tech came with no intention of fully fixing the issue.

And you're dealing directly with DISH, right? Not a local retailer?
And you're dealing directly with DISH, right? Not a local retailer?

This was setup through Dish. But this guy does not work for Dish. I am very disappointed here. But I do not believe the problem is with the tech himself. I believe its due to whoever he works for.
This was setup through Dish. But this guy does not work for Dish. I am very disappointed here. But I do not believe the problem is with the tech himself. I believe its due to whoever he works for.

He doesn't work for a local retailer either. He works for a sub contractor or Regional Service Provider, and is a direct representative of DISH, just like the other poster who keeps commenting. If you were dealing with a good local retailer you wouldn't have these problems. Sorry. :(
At any rate, who knows when the manager will actually contact me. I was told in 48 hours or less. It didn't happen today. And even when he does, who knows what the result will be. In the meantime, I wonder if I can "move" to Roanoke or Bristol and get locals out of market.
BS. He's dealing directly with DISH and they don't send local retailers, they send guys like you. If he had a good local retailer he would never have to deal with this mess nor would he be hard pressured into buying a bottle of screen cleaner or an over priced HDMI wire.

And don't break your arm while you're there patting yourself.

I don't know what your problem is with me between this message in the PMs that you've sent me but back off.
The only problem I have is misinformation, which you seem to provide in abundance.
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