811 & 1 year commitment question?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 4, 2004
In Dec. 2003, I signed up for a free 811 and 301 receiver, with a 1 year commitment. I don't "own" the equipment until Dec. 2004, is that correct? So if I cancelled Dish early, I'd have to pay the $240 canc. fee AND send back equipment, is that correct? Thanks.
No, I am not leasing. From what you say, it seems a lot of unsatisfied 811 owners can cancel, pay $240 canc. fee, sell equipment and maybe break even. At least Directv pro-rates the canc. fee.
If you own your equipment you should be able to cancel when your 1 year commitment is up and sell your equipment.

cheaper just to run out the contract?

If you signed on in Dec then it's probably cheaper just to run out your contract.

Aug-Nov is only 4 more months. If you cut back your programming package to the most basic you can get away with on your contract that fee for four months should be a lot less than $240.

Plus, there's nothing stopping you from selling the equipment now and just not tell Dish. As long as you keep paying the monthly fee until the end of the contract.
JimMcC said:
No, I am not leasing. From what you say, it seems a lot of unsatisfied 811 owners can cancel, pay $240 canc. fee, sell equipment and maybe break even.

You are correct sir. Or, de-activate the 811, drop down to AT60 w/o locals for $24.99/mo. for the next four months ($100 total), and sell the 811 and LNB's/switches now. You'll actually make a few bucks, not just break even. Just keep the 301 activated until Dec, and sell it then. They don't know whether or not you are actually using the service.
GaryPen said:
You are correct sir. Or, de-activate the 811, drop down to AT60 w/o locals for $24.99/mo. for the next four months ($100 total), and sell the 811 and LNB's/switches now. You'll actually make a few bucks, not just break even. Just keep the 301 activated until Dec, and sell it then. They don't know whether or not you are actually using the service.

You are also committed to the 1 year HD programing, so you will have to add that to the remaining months. If you sell the 811, the buyers will not be able to have it activated unless the hd programming is paid in full for the 12 months.
811 & 1 year commitment

Thanks guys. But if I sell the equipment now and keep paying Dish, the new owner of the equipment won't be able to activate it, will they?
JimMcC said:
Thanks guys. But if I sell the equipment now and keep paying Dish, the new owner of the equipment won't be able to activate it, will they?
Correct you can't sell it until you complete your contract.
Well, theoretically if you sold it to someone you knew well enough to trust, you could just *move* over to their new location and let them get the programming that you paid for anyway.

Course I wouldn't want some stranger getting service under my name because they could run up the PPV bills and that sort of thing.
You CAN sell the gear before the commitment is up. You own it now. Deactivate all receivers, except for one. Keep the minimum programming package for the one receiver. Sell the deactivated receivers, and any switches/lnb's.

I did forget about the HD Pack commitment. (I was able to get out of mine as a result of complaining about the problems with the 811.) The HD commitment is pro-rated, so you will have to pay the remaining months. Just do it in advance, along with the AT60 fees.

Just remember to deactivate that last receiver, and cxl the account, at the end of the commitment, or they'll keep charging you.

(The above is based on you not being a DHP or DHA customer, and not having any additional contract obligations with a retail dealer or other third party in addition to Dish.)
GaryPen said:
(The above is based on you not being a DHP or DHA customer, and not having any additional contract obligations with a retail dealer or other third party in addition to Dish.)
He said he signed a one-year contract, so he probably has Free Dish. It's possible he had something else and signed a 1-year dealer contract, but the only way that would make any sense is if he failed the credit score and got Free-For-All (still an option back then), and the dealer required a contract for his own protection. It also couldn't be DHA; that wasn't introduced until 2/1/04.
Actually, many retail dealers tack on their own early term fees in addition to the $240 Dish fee, even with "Free Dish". So, he may very well be liable for more than $240 if he cancels early, or just for cancelling one of the receivers he got with the original promo, even if he keeps AT60 for the remainder of the term.

I don't believe any of those additional fees would apply for the Free Dish promo, purchased directly from Dish, though. He should be safe in that instance.

P268 is here!

721 recording on its own??!

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