811 and Superdish


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 31, 2003
Statesboro, Ga
I have searched the forum but have not seen this mentioned. While viewing a channel and then switching to the next and so forth ( without using the guide to view the program ) it is extremly slow now that my Superdish is installed. It is slow to the point that I almost have to wait until the picture actually comes up to switch to the next channel. This is only on the 811. 508 and 301 are fine. Is this something that I have messed up or do I need to accept the fact that is going to be like this? Any help would be appreciated.
bryan92 said:
I have searched the forum but have not seen this mentioned. While viewing a channel and then switching to the next and so forth ( without using the guide to view the program ) it is extremly slow now that my Superdish is installed. It is slow to the point that I almost have to wait until the picture actually comes up to switch to the next channel. This is only on the 811. 508 and 301 are fine. Is this something that I have messed up or do I need to accept the fact that is going to be like this? Any help would be appreciated.
It seems to me that the 811 is now switching channels slower than it did before the latest upgrade.

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