811 Commitment?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 17, 2003
Hey is there any programming commitment when you buy the 811? I signed up to get one a couple of weeks ago and was just wondering. Thanks!
peallen said:
Hey is there any programming commitment when you buy the 811? I signed up to get one a couple of weeks ago and was just wondering. Thanks!

I emailed the same question to *E CSR. I bought my 811 for $399. I was emailed back that since I did not get the "special" deal, that i did not have to get the HD package or commit to anything. I have been an E* cusomer for 6 years, so maybe that is it. I did sub to the HD package though and was told I could cancell that at any time.
The thing is that they probably will have an easier time enforcing the 1 year committment on an existing customer than a new customer. I've had new customers that took the 811 with FreeDish before they even had an HDTV, but were planning on buying one in a month or two just because it was free then. If they had commit to the 1 year of the HDPak, they might think twice(yeah, I know 1 year of the HDPak $120 total and the cheapest 811 upgrade is $149 it would be dumb not to commit anyways). However, no existing customer will get an 811 unless they have and HDTV and will want HD programming. Why else would you? Just for the 8VSB?
811 Deal

Oakenshld said:
I emailed the same question to *E CSR. I bought my 811 for $399. I was emailed back that since I did not get the "special" deal, that i did not have to get the HD package or commit to anything. I have been an E* cusomer for 6 years, so maybe that is it. I did sub to the HD package though and was told I could cancell that at any time.

I am getting my 811 for $99 I have to commit to HD package for 12 months, But I dont have to sign up for autopay.Get this i have only been a customer since Aug 03.
scott5626 said:
I am getting my 811 for $99 I have to commit to HD package for 12 months, But I dont have to sign up for autopay.Get this i have only been a customer since Aug 03.

How did you get your 811 for $99.00. I am familiar with existing customers getting either the $199.00 or the $149.00 deals. Anyone else claiming an 811 for $99.00 as an existing customer? :shocked

811 for $99

rjallen said:
How did you get your 811 for $99.00. I am familiar with existing customers getting either the $199.00 or the $149.00 deals. Anyone else claiming an 811 for $99.00 as an existing customer? :shocked

I dont have a clue, I called becuase of seeing deals done on these and other forums. The first person I spoke with told me I could be put on the list since I was a DHP customer and upgrade for $99, Then the next day I called about the install date at that time I was told it would then be $149 dollars to upgrade so a few days later I called again to see if it would change again (of course) it was now up to $199 so fed up and ready to cancel I found a email address to the Executive office and emailed Mike Moschetti he is the one gave it to me for $99 steal of the century,he said it was because of all of the different prices I had been quoted . It helped that Dish Reps had notes of all of the differnt prices.
rjallen said:
How did you get your 811 for $99.00. I am familiar with existing customers getting either the $199.00 or the $149.00 deals. Anyone else claiming an 811 for $99.00 as an existing customer? :shocked

I got the 522 installed a couple of weeks ago,got on the list for the 811,I was a Dish customer and cancelled, been without out it about a year. I got the 522, and the 811 for $99.00 and a year commit for the H.D. programming.Well,I'm on the list for the 811, I'm a long way from getting it.Maybe they will have some of these software issues resolved by then.
I signed up for the 811 at the beginning of December, and it was installed the 20th. The rep I spoke with was from the techincal side of the operation, and he said that there were no required programming commitments of any kind, because of my status as an exclusive customer.

After the installer left, I was surprised to see that I was getting the HD package, even though I had never ordered it. When I called them, to see if I was getting some kind of a free preview, I was told that I had to subscribe to the HD pak to get the $149.00 price. I argued the point, was handed off to a supervisor, and she said that I had to agree to it to get the special receiver price, and that I had agreed to it when I signed the contract with the installer. She said to check the fine print.

I hung up and checked the paperwork, and there was no mention of any programming commitment of any kind. I called back and talked to a reasonable CSR. It seems as though the programming commitment changed after I signed up, so he was able to remove the package without penalty.

If you're signing up today, expect to commit to the HD pak for a year.


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