811 guide


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Original poster
Sep 17, 2003
miami fl
hi i have 811 with the 265 fix, yet the guide doesnt go past the next hr and than it says no info. Should i push the on button to reprogram it? thanks harvey
Yes you can. After the reboot you will get a dialog box stating downloading program guide.

I can tell you though that you will have to do this a lot. Since the last software update it has gotten worse.
I thought I had an angle on the Guide issue in that it seemed to happen if I turned my 811 off and left it that way for several hours. So, I tried leaving it on, and it still happens. Yep, do the front power reset, D/L the guide, and you're set (at least until the next time it happens.)

I need direction guys...

522 Installer charge?

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