811 & new subscriber question


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 9, 2004
I'm a current Voomer and would like to add an 811 receiver for HDNET and to try out DISH HD. To be eligible for the new member free 811 receiver offer ($49.95 service charge) do I need to subscribe to any of the core packages such as AT120 – or can I just subscribe to the 9.95 HD package.

Most, if not all, promotions involving the 811 require that you subsribe to AT60 or higher, as well as the HDPak. If you own the equipment outright, you can subscribe to the HD Pak, plus pay a $5 fee for not being subscribed to a core package.
The SBC/Dish offer does not require a programming commitment. However, I've been waiting on my 811 receiver for a couple of months.
hasher9092 said:
The SBC/Dish offer does not require a programming commitment. However, I've been waiting on my 811 receiver for a couple of months.

There is not a "time" commitment, but there is a "programming" commitment.
I just cut the following text right off the sbc/dish page...

" Must subscribe to minimum of America's Top 60 or DISH Latino programming package."

The SBC/DISH offering is the same as the DISH DHA plan. It's even called SBC/DISH Network Digital Home Advantage Plan.

SBC/DISH Offering Terms and Conditions.
hd_SDI_1080i said:
I'm a current Voomer and would like to add an 811 receiver for HDNET and to try out DISH HD. To be eligible for the new member free 811 receiver offer ($49.95 service charge) do I need to subscribe to any of the core packages such as AT120 – or can I just subscribe to the 9.95 HD package.


I did the exact thing you are describing. Returned to E* as a new customer since it had been 6 months since I last subscribed, got the 49.99 DHA plan with a 522 and an 811. I subscribed to AT120, HBO and Showtime, and the HD Pack. This supplements my Voom nicely. Actually I find myself watching more Dish now. I just purchased a 6000 on ebay for my other HD monitor and will add that to my account when it arrives.

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