811 OTA analog problem


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 31, 2003
Statesboro, Ga
I have searched and not found this problem discussed yet. I am posting for my boss, so I haven't seen this problem with my own eyes. He said the OTA channels he is receiving are black and white. The one digital channel he gets is fine. This seems like a call to Dish, however I wanted to check here first. Does anyone have an idea of the problem?
He is probably getting the digital signal through a component or DVI cable whereas the analog signal is probably being sent via an s-video cable (are there two video cables going from the satellite receiver to the TV?). The s-video cable separates color from the black and white signal. This cable is probably not plugged in all the way on the satellite receiver or on the TV or it may be damaged. The loss of color is usually explained by a problem with this cable.

Thanks for the reply Bob. I don't know about the cables but I do remember him saying that the installer ran "a few " cables out of the receiver to his T.V.. He has gone for the day but I'll check tomorrow. Thanks again.
Boss told me this morning it came with an s-video cable, however installer did not connect it. Could this be the problem? He said only the composite cables are run to the T.V. Analog signals wont pass through the composite cables..Right?

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