811 picture quality - Upconverted SD


New Member
Original poster
Dec 6, 2003
1st post. Recently stumbled across the site. Great info. Almost pulled the trigger on the 6000 upgrade a few months ago but decided to wait for the 811 "deals". Guess that time has come.

I have a couple questions, which I have yet to see anyone address:

1) What is the picture quality like on the standard satellite channels when watching them through the HD component outputs? i.e., how does the up-converted picture over HD look like as compared to the standard S Video outputs? And I assume the up-conversion output is the same as whatever you have your HD output set to (i.e. 480P, 720P or 1080i).

2) I am currently getting OTA HD via a Samsung 151 tuner. Has anyone who bought an 811 replaced the Samsung and have any comments on OTA performance between the two?

The pic quality is good on the sd channels but you still get the black bars on the sides.I usually switch to s-vid for sd channels so it fills the screen
jeffst said:
1st post. Recently stumbled across the site. Great info. Almost pulled the trigger on the 6000 upgrade a few months ago but decided to wait for the 811 "deals". Guess that time has come.
Welcome, Jeff. :wavey: Good to have you here!

I have a couple questions, which I have yet to see anyone address:

1) What is the picture quality like on the standard satellite channels when watching them through the HD component outputs? i.e., how does the up-converted picture over HD look like as compared to the standard S Video outputs? And I assume the up-conversion output is the same as whatever you have your HD output set to (i.e. 480P, 720P or 1080i).

Right now, I'm watching today's Falcons/Carolina game replay on split-screen, with ESPN SD via 811/component on one side, and ESPN SD via 7200/S-video on the other. I would give the 811/component a very slight edge on PQ, alll other things being equal, which, of course, they are not. The difference is negligible to my imperfect eyes.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch the rest of the game on ESPN in stunning widescreen High Def! :D

Enjoy the site! :beer:
jeffst said:
And I assume the up-conversion output is the same as whatever you have your HD output set to (i.e. 480P, 720P or 1080i).

Yes, it is. If I set the output to 480p, I can tell my TV is receiving a 480p signal because I can use the zoom modes on my TV. For that reason, my pick would be 480p for SD channels at least until Dish gets their zoom feature working on the 811.

RGB vs Component

Locals on 811

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