811 Question.


Silent Key - RIP 1/2/2012
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 7, 2003
I understand that I can use a 811 reciever on my SD TV but can someone tell will the 811 down convert the HD channels so I can watch them on my SD TV using the Svideo connection? Also how is the quality of HD channel that has been downconverted to a analog signal compared to a standard SD channel.

Bob Hale N1WBD
n1wbd said:
I understand that I can use a 811 reciever on my SD TV but can someone tell will the 811 down convert the HD channels so I can watch them on my SD TV using the Svideo connection? Also how is the quality of HD channel that has been downconverted to a analog signal compared to a standard SD channel.

Bob Hale N1WBD

I had the 811 hooked up to a SD tv for a couple of weeks. It does downconvert the HD picture to SD. It looks ok, pretty much like the rest of the SD channels. I assume this works on the Svideo connection, I personally used composite.
n1wbd said:
I understand that I can use a 811 reciever on my SD TV but can someone tell will the 811 down convert the HD channels so I can watch them on my SD TV using the Svideo connection? Also how is the quality of HD channel that has been downconverted to a analog signal compared to a standard SD channel.

Bob Hale N1WBD

When watching HD channels on Svideo output on my 16x9 TV I get borders on the top and bottom because it scales the 16x9 into the 4X3 space. This also means you will have borders on your 4x3. As for the quality, I would say it looks better than SD but no where near HD. HD should be watched as HD. If you are looking to TIVO it or tape the channel, it is much better to use the SD channels coming over Dish.

811, OTA and silver sensor-cable ??

Stick with cable, or get dish network?

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