811 signal to different room


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 4, 2004
Other than getting a second 811 receiver, what is the easiest way to get a second signal to a future front projector in basement? I will use it for football games in HD, favorite TV show, etc. I already have a second receiver in that room, but it's just SD. Thanks.
JimMcC said:
Other than getting a second 811 receiver, what is the easiest way to get a second signal to a future front projector in basement? I will use it for football games in HD, favorite TV show, etc. I already have a second receiver in that room, but it's just SD. Thanks.


Not sure what you are asking here? Are you wanting to split the 811 signal? Not sure what you are asking? Might want to provide more details.

What I am wondering is if I can run a second RG6 cable from back of 811 to a room in basement. I know I would be watching whatever main receiver is tuned to, but can it be done? Or do I need some sort of splitter,etc? Thanks.
The 811 doesn't have an RF output, if memory serves, so there isn't even a first RG6 cable comng out of it. You could use a DVI (expensive) or component (not-so-expensive) switcher. But, depending on the distance involved, you may also need some kind of amplifier. I'm not sure they even make ones for DVI. I believe componant signal amps are a little pricey, though.
JimMcC said:
What I am wondering is if I can run a second RG6 cable from back of 811 to a room in basement. I know I would be watching whatever main receiver is tuned to, but can it be done? Or do I need some sort of splitter,etc? Thanks.

You may want to consider a RF modulator.Converts composite/svideo to RF so you can run a RG6 (or 59 even) to your basement. They are pretty cheap and can be had everywhere, even Walmart. The most common use for these is for connecting DVD players to TVs without svid/composite inputs. So, just about anywhere you can buy a dvd player, you can buy a rf modulator.
The HD signal is only carried via component or DVI so you cannot modulate and send it. You can create a long run of component or DVI but then you have limitations on the length of the cable runs. due to cable losses.
Lastly you can just swap the receivers.
Hook up DVI to nearest TV and component to most distant. I've run component 75' other than keeping kinks out of the cable, it should work fine
rcbridge said:
The HD signal is only carried via component or DVI so you cannot modulate and send it. You can create a long run of component or DVI but then you have limitations on the length of the cable runs. due to cable losses.
Lastly you can just swap the receivers.

I guess I should have read more closely he wanted HD in both rooms.... whoops.

2 311's or 1 322?

This may sound like a stupid question...................

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