811 stuck on Software Rev 281


New Member
Original poster
Jan 1, 2004
I see that the software for the 811 is up to Rev283; unfortunately, my 811 still shows Rev281 as the latest software. I turned the receiver off for an extended period of time; I also enabled the upgrade "without my permission" box. Nothing has solved the problem.

I haven't called Dish yet; I thought I would ask for advice here first.

I don't know exactly what the fix is, but release 262 broke few things and release 263 did not fix anything obvious.

You're lucky you still have 261.
SeattleSattellite said:
I see that the software for the 811 is up to Rev283; unfortunately, my 811 still shows Rev281 as the latest software. I turned the receiver off for an extended period of time; I also enabled the upgrade "without my permission" box. Nothing has solved the problem.

I haven't called Dish yet; I thought I would ask for advice here first.


The "rev" you are looking at refers to the Smart Card revision, not the software. The latest software is 263.
gpflepsen said:
What did 262 break? I have no ill effects from the SW updates.

The OTA channel mapping issue was introduced by 262.

Also, the guide gets shuffled. Now it says that ESPN is showing sesame street. I have to do a hard reset to fix it.
gpflepsen said:
What did 262 break? I have no ill effects from the SW updates.

It may have broke my first tuner's ability to receive the channels in the HD package. I can't prove it, but my 811 worked fine for 2 weeks and then when 263 came out the problem started. The replacement 811 Dish sent me is working, so it may have been hardware but I'm still suspicious. If you really want 263, you might want to check to see if you receiver is set to automatically download new software. I forget the exact menu picks, but go into the installation menu (option 6) and drill down from there. You can also click the pick to check for new features.

811 no longer available thru Dish w/o buying HDTV in a box?

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