921 firewire


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Oct 29, 2003
Monument, CO
The specs say the the Dish Wire is for select firewire products. Do we have any idea what that will be? (Like Mitsubishi TV's)

From what I have heard thus far, the only announced product is a JVC D-VHS deck. But with all the talk lately about broadcasters trying to prevent people from archiving HD programs, I wouldn't be surprised if the D-VHS deck support is cancelled altogether.

The broadcasters are concerned about their HDTV TV shows ending up on the internet. The only official word I got on the delay of the 1394 Dishwire actuation on the 921 is some continued software bugs in the connectivity stability that they are still working on with the JVC 30K/40K. Anyone with 169Time system understands the issues and difficulty here.
Jason said:
From what I have heard thus far, the only announced product is a JVC D-VHS deck. But with all the talk lately about broadcasters trying to prevent people from archiving HD programs, I wouldn't be surprised if the D-VHS deck support is cancelled altogether.

The firewire download will obey the new HD security flags. Here's one possibility:

Non-Premium: Copy all you want
Premium (HBO): Copy Once
PPV: Perhaps no copying.

If required, the 921 can auto-delete the original source after copying. The flags also support auto-deletion of a PPV after a specific amount of time.

There's no legal reason not to support the firewire - they just have to obey the rules (unfortunately).

If they can allow archiving to a JVC D-VHS, it seens like that should also be able to archive to a firewire hard drive (in my dreams).
Since the flags were voted on yesterday, I can only hope that they are now working on implementing the Firewire ports on the 921. :)
Wow, I tried reading the PDF file for the new rules - many pages that don't say much. I could be wrong, but I think what I posted was part of 1394/5C before the new ruling.

If archiving to a D-VHS is allowed, why can't E* also archive to a firewire hard drive (now available at 400 gigs)? That's what I'd really like to see.
Don Landis said:

The broadcasters are concerned about their HDTV TV shows ending up on the internet.
Indeed, that is a serious concern. With my 2Mbps cable modem setup, I can download a full 2hr HD movie (approx 25GB) in less than 35 hours. I plan to be doing a lot of this. And if I want more, I'm sure that my employer will be happy to let me and all my coworkers do our downloading on the company's 100Mbps connection.

By the time trading HD on the internet becomes feasible, these guys will all be out of business.

Average broadband access in Japan is now in the 24 to 26Mbps. 100Mbps fiber to the home is also available, but is rather pricy (about $38/month US). US broadband is much less competitive than in Korea and Japan, but it'll get there eventually.

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