921 Installations and Switches


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Original poster
Jan 26, 2004
My 921 will be here in a day or two, but I am not sure how to set it up.

I currently have a Dish 6000 and 500. The installer put the switch by the roof, so I dont even know what type I have. I also have ony 3 jacks outside the house to get the signal in. Right now, 2 jacks receive satellite feed and and receives the roof antenna. Since the 921 receives 2 feeds itself, I need some type of interal switch or splitter to get from 2 feeds to three.

Any help would be appreciated.

I would like to see some answers to this since I have a Dish 500 , 501 and 4900. Would else do I need to install 921 to have all 3 working right?

Do must retailer install for free or they just give you the unit and let you figure it out?

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