921 Price Drop- $899?


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Feb 9, 2004
Sears ran an add in the paper today saying taking 10% off everything if you use your Sears card.

Does this mean that there JVC 921 is now only $899? Is this true?

If so, anyone price matching? I know it says JVC on the front of the box, but from what everyone says it is the exact same model and the Dish brand, in fact they are made by the same company (just a different lable on front).

Goto http://www.sears.com for details.

Search on Dish 921 for product specs.

The guy at the store said you can get it with out the Dish if you are already a subscriber.
It is 1049.00 on the sears website. So my calculations bring the unit to $944.10. They do have a pricematch policy though, and unlike BB and Circuit City's, it doesn't clearly state the competitor's item need be in stock. Just that they need the advertisement price, etc. Anyways, who has a sears card? ;)
ocaddict said:
It is 1049.00 on the sears website. So my calculations bring the unit to $944.10. They do have a pricematch policy though, and unlike BB and Circuit City's, it doesn't clearly state the competitor's item need be in stock. Just that they need the advertisement price, etc. Anyways, who has a sears card? ;)

It is $1049 for a system. It is $999 as a receiver only without the dish.
I am going to the store to see if I can order the receiver only for $999 and get the 10% off making int $899.

Anyone else try?

They work on commision.
What's the Sears part number for the receiver only?

Mainstreet said:
It is $1049 for a system. It is $999 as a receiver only without the dish.

What's the Sears part number for the reciever alone?
The website only has the part number for the system.
Without the part number, how can you order it?

there computers will not let them order one for you at this time ....... Get a rain check and wait 6 months and you will get one :)
why's everyone so eager to get something that by all accounts doesn't work for the most common thing you need it for - to record OTA HDTV signals?
I went into sears. They do have a part number for just the Dish Reg $999. It is $899 right now due to the 10% off. I saw it on there computer.

But they just had there meeting/training with Dish and they cant order any due to a software bug cuasing all new ones to be on hold. He said they are guessing the end of March now (about when the next 10% off sale is).
Don't forget, the discount is only for when you use your SEARS card. Which definitely leaves me out.
BTW JCrash. I don't necessarily want the 921 just to be able to record OTA HD. I like the fact that it's the ONLY receiver on the market that can play and record any HD signal, has 2 built in receivers and a 250GB HD. Nothing else comes close to the 921 right now. Even though it does have it's problems, it's by far the best thing going.
I wonder how much TIVO will charge for their HD recordable unit?

921 on QA Hold? Is this true?

A little confused

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