921 to DVHS VCR Let's see if JVC keeps their promise


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 17, 2003

Like to get some support here to get JVC or Dish Network
to respond in refrence to recording High Definition from
the Dishwire(firewire)to the JVC DVHS H D VCR.

I want to be sure that when I bought this very expensive
DVHS VCR now that the 921 is released that JVC
will hold up to thier promise of Archiving from the hard drive
to the DVHS without any loss.

I paid $1200 when this vcr came out (HM-DH30000u) & now they
go for less than $500.

So all that owns a DVHS VCR (JVC,Mitsibishi etc)lets make sure
that the promise is kept & that we can use this machine to it's full

Hopefully we could get some feedback from JVC directly here
on this forum topic & we can be reassured that they will stand
behind us.

It would be a waste to have a machine if you can't use it.

This is what will keep me back from subscribing to Dish.


From my contacts at Echostar I am told that the software for enabling the firewire is now ready but they have not gotten the go ahead to release it yet and don't expect to get to go ahead until late April or May. (I guess they are waiting for some FCC final rulings on things)

Can or will the dishwire be active for full HD DVHS recordin

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