A new audit trigger?


Original poster
May 20, 2006
On Wed, 5/17 I got called with my first audit in 8 years with Dish. I have two receivers, which are hooked to the same phone line. The only "problem" Dish had was that I had switched the phone hookup on both recievers to a second line which I generally use for faxes. So now even if you have all recievers on the same line, you WILL get audited if they are not on the number Dish has on record.

By the way, the woman was very polite, and emphasised on the phone that, to paraphrase, "this is just a formality, and you probably, like so many people have 2 phone lines in your house." After we went thru the process, she said she would add the second phone number to my records.

By the way, it was a bit humerous when she said we couldn't have any interuptions in the call once we start the audit, and my two toddlers were screaming in the background. I told her I'd do the best I could, but I couldn't speak for the kids!
I just went through the same thing for the same reason.

BTW Yelling at the kids is ok. :) Picking up your cell phone and asking you friend with your borrowed receiver for the location id is not. :D
Location ID is a field that changes every few minutes and is generated somehow from the Receiver ID numbers. The only way to know what it is, and pass the audit, is to actually be looking at it while you're on the phone with them. Kind of difficult to do if your receivers aren't all located in the same house.
I don't get it. There seem to be many legitament reasons why some people would need a receiver at two different locations. Vacation home?
Temporary out of town job weekdays and come home on weekends.

Also maybe you only use a cell phone, so you're number likely doesn't correlate to your physical location and you wouldn't have any phone jacks either.

What does Dish want people to do in these situations?
die...er, well, maybe not die, because they couldn't pay...

Dish should embrace the present...not the future, but the present and allow us to connect it more than to a freaking land-line. I know they have the internets in colorado, how about we tap into that, eh guys?

Then again their web-team leaves something to be desired so maybe we don't want them mucking with this...
waltinvt said:
I don't get it. There seem to be many legitament reasons why some people would need a receiver at two different locations. Vacation home?
Temporary out of town job weekdays and come home on weekends.

Also maybe you only use a cell phone, so you're number likely doesn't correlate to your physical location and you wouldn't have any phone jacks either.

What does Dish want people to do in these situations?

They want you to pay for a separate account. Technically, ANY receivers outside of your house need their own account. So, no sending the receiver to your kid at college,... officially at least.

Realistically, if you have two or three receivers on your account you should be fine. People like myself with 5 receivers active get targeted a lot....
I also got a call for the first time in 7 years last week.
I now only have VOIP, and my 942 is connected to that. I guess the calls in to DISH are from a completely different area code and number than my home phone numer. The girl was nice, and I explained that. We went through all 3 receivers, I asked her to note my account that I had VOIP, and we were done. Took about 10 minutes.
I do wonder if VOIP always changes the number you call from....I might be getting lots of calls from the Audit Team.
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yaz96 said:
I also got a call for the first time in 7 years last week.
I now only have VOIP, and my 942 is connected to that. I guess the calls in to DISH are from a completely different area code and number than my home phone numer. The girl was nice, and I explained that. We went through all 3 receivers, I asked her to note my account that I had VOIP, and we were done. Took about 10 minutes.
I do wonder if VOIP always changes the number you call from....I might be getting lots of calls from the Audit Team.

I guess it depends on your service. I have Vonage and it always goes through with my correct numerical caller ID, although the name says "Vonage Holdings".
BobMurdoch said:
They want you to pay for a separate account. Technically, ANY receivers outside of your house need their own account. ....

Well that's fine. I guess it's not the end of the world having a 2nd account but what if that "2nd account" is for a vacation camp or whatever and there's no phone?

If "E" wants to audit that 2nd account receiver, they're going to have to call your primary address and you're obviously not going to be able to give them any information for a receiver that's at a different address.

This seems like a completly legit situation that's going to create all kinds of problems with the "E" audit team.
BrianB said:
I guess it depends on your service. I have Vonage and it always goes through with my correct numerical caller ID, although the name says "Vonage Holdings".
Not when calling an 800 number. Dish would get the actual PRI number that you are calling from and not your phone number. This is to prevent abuse since it is very easy to spoof your phone number on caller id these days.
How about those people that have cell phones that will not work inside their home? I know they wont work inside the home here, and you cannot get service unless you stand across the road. It is pretty hard to give them location id #'s across the road from where your house is at.
Stargazer said:
How about those people that have cell phones that will not work inside their home? I know they wont work inside the home here, and you cannot get service unless you stand across the road. It is pretty hard to give them location id #'s across the road from where your house is at.

I'm guessing the the percentage of those people is rather low.
I know of a lot of people that have cell phone only and do not have the service in the home. I hear there is an external antenna that should be able to get a signal in.
I was audit once few years back. During the recent activation of 622s, I specifically told the tech that I will be connecting my 622s with both my phone lines depends on locations. He made the note on the account and listed both my phone numbers now.

Nightmare Service Call

Pocketdish again

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