A New DishPlayer Software Update is Now Spooling

Bill R

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
A new software update started spooling at 3 AM today for the DishPlayers (models 7100 and 7200). It is Web TV CLIENT (version 16914). The changes in this version are:
  • Notices, Instant News and Games have been removed.
  • Available drive space is shown (in percentage) on the recorded programs page.
  • Search has been added on the TV Home page. The Help and Settings selections have been moved to the bottom of the screen.
  • MSN Messenger changes have been done to allow those that use it to keep using it.
    Now that the Instant News and Games are gone MSN is not supplying any data for the DishPlayer (with the change in the previous CLIENT software release MSN stopped supplying the guide information). I have heard that this may be the last CLIENT release for the DishPlayer unless serious bugs are found in this CLIENT release. DISH will continue to do RECEIVER software upgrades for the DishPlayer if they are required. The DishPlayer will NOT be getting SuperDish support.

    I have not heard anything new about the PTV fee. Those that have been getting it without paying the $9.99 monthly fee should continue to get it until at least the end of the year.
Wow I know some people who are going to be seriously PO'ed about the games leaving.

I know quite a few people that play Solitaire often on their Dishplayer.

I think that DISH is going to get quite a few complaints about the games and the instant news. I used the instant news (mainly the weather and stock features) quite often.

It is kind of funny that the weather feature was added on my 721 Monday and taken away on my DishPlayer today.
This is GOOD news for some of us!

I never play the games and the 201 instant News channel always slows you down when channel surfing between CNN and HNN. In some previous software release. we lost the ability to deactivate the News channel in the Settings/Channels area. (You can set it not to be seen, but it still shows up)

The space indicator is welcome as well. I never knew before if the next show recorded would fit or not.

I use my Dishplayer almost exclusively as a holding tank before converting the saved shows to CD or DVD for archive. The more space for this, the better!

With 17 hours on an 80GB, I have 74% space left.

My wife is gonna be ticked about losing the weather (she checked it nightly before going to bed.......)

I'm gonna miss Doom. I haven't played it in awhile, but it was fun to go back and play sometimes.......
Last night I went and played with the Dishplayer in my sons room.

Everything seemed to be working fine.

All timers set also fired with no problem.

My mother in law is going to scream when she comes over to play Solitaire on the Dishplayer and it is no longer there.

With all the bugs basically gone the Dishplayer really isnt a bad PVR.

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