A newbie question about multi dish installs...


Original poster
Feb 9, 2004
Hello all,

This is my first post here. I hope to get some help here, as the manual for the 811 is no help.

I have a Dish Pro dish with the Quad LNBF and an older Dish 300 with the single output. I want to use the Dish 300 to pick up some of the international programming on the 61.5 bird.

A DP34 swith has only 3 inputs. Would it be possible to take one output from the 119 side of the Dish Pro dish, and one output from the 110 side, and feed these into the DP34, along with the output from the Dish 300, and get all three birds on each output of the switch?

Also is there a Dish Network compatible multiswitch available that would let me do the above and also has an input for a terrestrial antenna?

Thanks & regards,

you can connect two feeds from the 500 dish and i feed from the 300 dish and that will all connect to the 34 switch no problem as long as the lnbs are all dishpro. i have a feeling you will need to buy dishpro single lnb for your 300 dish because that is probaly legacy lnb on it now. then you can take outputs of the 34 switch and run thru diplexors for whatever feeds you want to add off-air. i install these for a living and if you want call me and i will expand on this if you still need help. richard 505-281-7804
satdish said:
you can connect two feeds from the 500 dish and i feed from the 300 dish and that will all connect to the 34 switch no problem as long as the lnbs are all dishpro. i have a feeling you will need to buy dishpro single lnb for your 300 dish because that is probaly legacy lnb on it now. then you can take outputs of the 34 switch and run thru diplexors for whatever feeds you want to add off-air. i install these for a living and if you want call me and i will expand on this if you still need help. richard 505-281-7804

Thanks Richard!!

I appreciate your help. I may take you up on your offer but it will be at a more appropriate time.

BTW, I called D* tech support and they told me flatly that taking two feeds from the 500 and one from the 300 would NOT work. I don't see a reason why it shouldn't, but the lady was adamant. She told me that I would have to buy a new twin LNBF.

You just verified what I had thought all along. Does it matter if the diplexors are upstream of the DP34? I had thought to place one on the feed coming in from the 300 dish and then running it to the DP34.

Thanks again. Best regards,

Zman. :p

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