A question about NPS


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 29, 2003
NC Mountains
NPS does not offer my locals, they just have East and West Networks. Why can"t I be able to buy the whole package if thats all they offer. If NPS is not Dish, then it should not matter if I have my locals with Dish or not. If I had a C-Band set up would I be able to get all 4 East & West Networks? I just do not see that it matters what I get from Dish if NPS is another company that sells satellite programming! I hope congress gives the American people the right to choose what we want to watch and when we want to watch it . This censorship has got to stop. The NAB needs to be taken down, not just a bit but all the way down on this issue. We should be able to choose and pay for what we want to watch, not the NAB.
Yes I have lost my Distant networks with Dish (DENVER & LA ABC, CBS, FOX & CBS-HD) for which I had waivers. I'll never be able to get HD or anything OTA at my location. People in the rural areas need to able to get all TV programming from satellite. It should not matter what DMA we are in, if we want to pay for a channel from a satellite company, we should be able to get it.
Sorry for the rant. But shouldn't everyone one be able to receive all networks from NPS no matter what DMA they are in, because thats all they offer just East & West Networks? No I have not been turned down by NPS, this is just a question before I call NPS with a my rant pointed at the NAB.
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I do not no how to change the title of my Thread. Will a kind Staff Member or Mod please change from Nps ? to A Question about NPS, Rant about the NAB, Thanks.
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If you are a satellite dish owner and a consumer there is two sides of the coin you have to see.The NAB is trying to protect the local networks because when they lose viewers they lose money.The more viewers the more they can charge for commercials and the less viewers means less money.
As a satellite dish owner we feel we should have access to any channel that's on satellite as long as we pay for it what's the big deal?.
This is the fine line that the FCC has to tread and it's not an easy one.Because everyone deserves protection when you see both sides of the coin it makes it a little easier to understand.
If DISH is leasing satellite space to a company to provide distant networks and is still making monies from said deal.Then to me they are still in violation of the judgement against them by the courts.But that will be something for a judge to decide.Hope this helps,Good Luck!:)
As a consumer, the local networks do get paid monies because I also have to pay to receive them from either a satellite service or cable service. The viewership numbers that they use (local channels) are based on the fact that I'm paying a satellite or cable service to receive them. They use those numbers to charge for commercials even if I happen to see the commercial or not. This argument of not making money on commercials because of a distant network feed to a home that already pays to receive the Local networks does not wash. This is censorship of the American Public by the NAB of the right to view public airwaves. This group does not represent the American Public, but simply represents corporate greed. Hopefully our next Congress will quit being whores of the NAB and help the American Public view what they wish to view. As an American citizen I should have the freedom to choose what I want to watch on my TV and not be told what I'm allowed to watch by the NAB.
No use calling NPS and ranting at them. Their hands are completely tied in this matter. If you can receive any locals via either E* or OTA, then they cannot sell you the distant networks equivalents to those channels.

Contacting the NAB won't help either. You can try writing to all of your elected federal congressmen & senators.
Smoky where are you located in the NC mountains just curious?
No use calling NPS and ranting at them. Their hands are completely tied in this matter. If you can receive any locals via either E* or OTA, then they cannot sell you the distant networks equivalents to those channels.

Contacting the NAB won't help either. You can try writing to all of your elected federal congressmen & senators.

The no distants if local rule only applies to the satellite compnay that offers LiL. If NPS is truley separate from E* and since NPS does not offer LiL then any sub in a tru white area should be able to buy DNS from NPS. It is also mentioned in the footnotes on the court filings to prove that NPS and E* are acting in concert. Scott posted the link to the PDF in one of the NPS threads. It is also availble in the NPS thread at DBSTALK.

Smokey if you want the title of the thread changed send a PM to one of the MOD's.
As a consumer, the local networks do get paid monies because I also have to pay to receive them from either a satellite service or cable service. The viewership numbers that they use (local channels) are based on the fact that I'm paying a satellite or cable service to receive them. They use those numbers to charge for commercials even if I happen to see the commercial or not. This argument of not making money on commercials because of a distant network feed to a home that already pays to receive the Local networks does not wash. This is censorship of the American Public by the NAB of the right to view public airwaves. This group does not represent the American Public, but simply represents corporate greed. Hopefully our next Congress will quit being whores of the NAB and help the American Public view what they wish to view. As an American citizen I should have the freedom to choose what I want to watch on my TV and not be told what I'm allowed to watch by the NAB.

Sorry - Dish represents Corporate Greed.

They broke the law - thinking they were above it.

They are no better than Enron - they just got off easier.
Sorry - Dish represents Corporate Greed.

They broke the law - thinking they were above it.

They are no better than Enron - they just got off easier.

It does not matter which company that you pay for TV services (Dish,Direct,cable or others), we the people of America should not be told by the NAB what we can pay for & watch.
I don't think I would put Dish in Enron's league, thats about as low as a corporation can go.
I just think the NAB has to be stopped. As a private lobbyist group, they are as close to being like Jack Amramoff as can be,That being power abuse as they lobby Congress.
There are not to many Mom & Pop TV stations left, only ones (which they own groups of stations) owned by big corporations. Everyone should be able to watch what a provider can deliver to your home, whether from LA,NY,Denver,Atlanta,Miami or even Smalltown USA. The rules need to changed, free the people to watch what they want to pay for. Its called freedom of Choice by the people of America, not the choice of the NAB!
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Sorry - Dish represents Corporate Greed.

They broke the law - thinking they were above it.

They are no better than Enron - they just got off easier.

No better than Enron, how many people lost their pensions because of Dish wanted to supply Distant networks.

I don't even know why I replied to this idiotic post, it doesn't even deserve a response.
No better than Enron, how many people lost their pensions because of Dish wanted to supply Distant networks.

I don't even know why I replied to this idiotic post, it doesn't even deserve a response.

And how many people had hundreds if not thousands of dollars of equipment they had purchased unable to watch what they purchased it for?

Both Corporations broke the law and both needed to be punished.

As for me and others, we have contacted our Representatives in Congress and told them we will only support a DNS law that allows Dish to supply DNS if Dish agrees to pays as a fine to the US Government every cent collected from DNS subs over the years they offered DNS illegally and profited by it to reduce the Federal debt.
It does not matter which company that you pay for TV services (Dish,Direct,cable or others), we the people of America should not be told by the NAB what we can pay for & watch.
I don't think I would put Dish in Enron's league, thats about as low as a corporation can go.
I just think the NAB has to be stopped. As a private lobbyist group, they are as close to being like Jack Amramoff as can be,That being power abuse as they lobby Congress.
There are not to many Mom & Pop TV stations left, only ones (which they own groups of stations) owned by big corporations. Everyone should be able to watch what a provider can deliver to your home, whether from LA,NY,Denver,Atlanta,Miami or even Smalltown USA. The rules need to changed, free the people to watch what they want to pay for. Its called freedom of Choice by the people of America, not the choice of the NAB!

YES! Lets shut down the NAB. Then we wouldn't have to worry about all this DNS nonsense as there wouldn't be any distant NETWORK service to provide. :D
And how many people had hundreds if not thousands of dollars of equipment they had purchased unable to watch what they purchased it for?
If the deal with NPS stands up to court review, none. Those that are truly eligible to receive DNS should be able to get DNS from a third-party provider, unless the court expands the perm. injuction to all E* equipment. Then you can blame the court not E*. The court would taken away your right to receive DNS.

Both Corporations broke the law and both needed to be punished.

As for me and others, we have contacted our Representatives in Congress and told them we will only support a DNS law that allows Dish to supply DNS if Dish agrees to pays as a fine to the US Government every cent collected from DNS subs over the years they offered DNS illegally and profited by it to reduce the Federal debt.
I don't think that the law provided for a punitive fine. Besides, most of the E* DNS subscribers were legal. Why should E* be fined for providing DNS to legal subs? A possible fine for illegal subs would be another story.

To get back on topic, I think that NPS was provided a list of true DNS eligible subs to start their database. In the Charlie Chat, there was references to Group A, B & C subscribers. I believe that E* scanned it's database for fully unserved areas (Group C, no networks, no LIL by E*) and grossly underserved (Group B, 1 maybe 2 networks, no LIL by E*). This way when it goes to court, E* & NPS can claim that only the unserved and grossly underserved DNS subscribers are getting DNS. Later, NPS would be able to expand service to other interested DNS subs.
If the deal with NPS stands up to court review, none. Those that are truly eligible to receive DNS should be able to get DNS from a third-party provider, unless the court expands the perm. injuction to all E* equipment. Then you can blame the court not E*. The court would taken away your right to receive DNS.

Get it correct. Your right to DNS is intact. E* lost the right to sell it because of their decision.

I don't think that the law provided for a punitive fine. Besides, most of the E* DNS subscribers were legal. Why should E* be fined for providing DNS to legal subs? A possible fine for illegal subs would be another story.

We are past the law. Dish was guilty. If they want to play in the game again, then they can refund all DNS fees for illegal activities. Congress must not reward Corporations that conduct illegal activities.

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