Account Audit team unethical business practices

Ken P. said:
You can sell your equipment but it will do no good when someone else goes to put it on their account and you have a $100 ballence linked to the account its being pulled from that has to be payed first. So...

Many people buy receivers for a cupple hundred dollars then are prompted to pay off someone elses ballence before it can be transfered to their account causing conflic and sometimes a loss of customer. It's not fair to the buyer!

Its easyier to say somethings not possible rather then to go into detail explaining what varible events that have to take place in order to complete a receiver transfer.
Ken let me reply to all your mistruths before ya post please
all my receivers are free and clear no balance owed zero
I own everyone of them
Jason Levine of the audit dept. supposed big dog wont let me sell my owned receivers
which are free and clear huh? doesn't make sense to me i own them i can with them what i want period.
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Yeah, I'm not getting in the middle of this thing, lets just all remember that those of us being pursued by the audit police are in the minority(big time), and that dish isn't going to lose most of their customers because of these questionable practices. A little perspective always helps, right?:up

Ken P. said:
You can sell your equipment but it will do no good when someone else goes to put it on their account and you have a $100 ballence linked to the account its being pulled from that has to be payed first. So...

Many people buy receivers for a cupple hundred dollars then are prompted to pay off someone elses ballence before it can be transfered to their account causing conflic and sometimes a loss of customer. It's not fair to the buyer!

Its easyier to say somethings not possible rather then to go into detail explaining what varible events that have to take place in order to complete a receiver transfer.

Ken...what the hell are you talking about?

I have purchased/sold at least 10-15 Dish receivers on Ebay and through here with NO ISSUES WHATSOEVER...When you deactivate a receiver, they take it off your account. It has a zero balance. So if you sell it, the buyer has a zero balance on a receiver. I just sold a 301 last week. I gave the buyer the R & S #'s off the screen and he called Dish and they told him "no balance" :)
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Originally Posted by Ken P.
Look at it from there perspective... 8 active receivers, one account, most DVR's are dual tuners so going by limited info on your post you have 24 rooms in your home you watch enough to want to keep them all activated. You only pay $5 for each additional receiver you have ontop of your monthly programming. 24 rooms is way too much!

you dont need 24 rooms. Heck you could have them all in one room. Just because its a dual tuner doesnt mean you need 2 rooms :)

And I'll vouch. I have been in Stone's house. I installed a couple dishes for him last summer/fall. He doesnt have 24 rooms. He did have 8 receivers though :)

Heck in my living room at one time I had
-2 Dish 301's
-ExpressVu 3100
-4 FTA boxes
-StarChocie 315
all hooked to two TV's

If there is a lot of good stuff on (like free previews) 2 dual tuners come in handy :D

What you see in my signature for receivers is in my living room right now.
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DaveyBoy26 said:
Yeah, I'm not getting in the middle of this thing, lets just all remember that those of us being pursued by the audit police are in the minority(big time), and that dish isn't going to lose most of their customers because of these questionable practices. A little perspective always helps, right?:up


However they are not going to get as many new customers as before because I've led many people over the years to DBS and I will never again recommend DBS to anybody. Actually, I'll suggest to people to avoid it.

stone phillips420,

What do you mean they won't let you sell your equipment? Wasn't that cleared? Try calling in under an assumed name and see if it is clear to activate.
Roger said:
stone phillips420,

What do you mean they won't let you sell your equipment? Wasn't that cleared? Try calling in under an assumed name and see if it is clear to activate.
jason levine big dog account audit team told me my recievers are clear for sale, i then asked him if i could sell irds on ebay he said yes but he wants the user reciept from ebay that was 2 weeks ago, now since he has put further notes on my account saying that im not able to sell them

thanks roger ill do that, i will call in on monday under assumed name to check status of irds
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hall said:
Apparently you don't comprehend why Dish feels the need to do these audits.... The reason they do it and who they pick does make sense to some degree. How strict and bull-headed they appear to be seems to be a bit too much though.

I definately know and understand why they do it but I have also heard of people with two and sometimes one receiver also getting audited. Signal theft in what ever way you want to look at it costs us all. I can handle an a** chewing and can dish it right back just as good, but if this happens when I'm not home and my wife has to deal with it, let me tell you, I will never see the end of it. I agree with you that Dish is going way to far with their mafia tactics though.
Iceberg said:
Ken...what the hell are you talking about? ...

When you deactivate a receiver, they take it off your account.

Actually, this is not quite true. It is still listed on your account as a deactivatesd receiver that you once had. I found out via deactivate a 942, and activating a 622 (in that order) last week. They wanted to audit because, in their words, "you have owned a lot of high end receivers and keep switching them out every year" (not word for word but pretty close). I said, "well don't keep implementing new packages that require the update of receivers and I won't keep buying them" ;)

I only have 4 receivers and have never had more than 4 receivers but they have audited me in the past and present.
Yep, they remain on your account until either someone else activates them on their account or they are returned to Dish. I about lost a sale on my 522 because Dish couldn't figure out how I purchased and activated it because it was a lease only receiver. When the guy tried to activate it, some dim wit at Dish raised all kinds of hell with the guy. At first they told him he couldn't activate it because it was leased then they told him it had a balance. We finally did a 3-way call and I straightened everything out for the guy.
Iceberg said:
you dont need 24 rooms. Heck you could have them all in one room. Just because its a dual tuner doesnt mean you need 2 rooms :)

And I'll vouch. I have been in Stone's house. I installed a couple dishes for him last summer/fall. He doesnt have 24 rooms. He did have 8 receivers though :)

Heck in my living room at one time I had
-2 Dish 301's
-ExpressVu 3100
-4 FTA boxes
-StarChocie 315
all hooked to two TV's

If there is a lot of good stuff on (like free previews) 2 dual tuners come in handy :D

What you see in my signature for receivers is in my living room right now.

Damn man, you must have one hell of a remote! :eek:
fchall said:
I just called my lawyer and put him on retainer.
Now can someone tell me how to ensure I get audited by some jerk.
I love smashing little bugs. :)

You called your lawyer at this late on Saturday night? What is he your brother?
Iceberg said:
you dont need 24 rooms. Heck you could have them all in one room. Just because its a dual tuner doesnt mean you need 2 rooms :)

And I'll vouch. I have been in Stone's house. I installed a couple dishes for him last summer/fall. He doesnt have 24 rooms. He did have 8 receivers though :)

Heck in my living room at one time I had
-2 Dish 301's
-ExpressVu 3100
-4 FTA boxes
-StarChocie 315
all hooked to two TV's

If there is a lot of good stuff on (like free previews) 2 dual tuners come in handy :D

What you see in my signature for receivers is in my living room right now.
I'll agree with Iceberg, you don't need 24 rooms.

Here's what I have in one room:
On the main TV;
2 dish 522's
1 Dish 921
1 Dish 942
1 Dish 811
1 Dish 510
1 ExpressVu 6000
1 ExpressVu 9200

Then both computers each have a 811 connected.

That's 10 receivers in one room.
A friend of mine last week had their ebay auction for their DVR 501 cancelled by dish. Dish told ebay their logo was used without their permission in the auction - trademark infrigement.

Funny thing is that the only Dish logo in the auction was the pic of the front of the receiver they posted. Looks like Dish is making it hard to sell any owned equipment now.
When Dish audited me they told me that I failed the audit because I failed to give them the location ID's off of two receivers that were still listed on my account but deactivated. REDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is NO sense in THAT!!!! They locked my account. I called them up and demanded them to unlock my dang account right then and I was not going to take no for an answer. I did get it unlocked. What a load of bull that was. They tend to not release receivers off of the account causing issues with people in their audits. Why on earth would they want the location ID from some receiver that is not activated anyways? Whats it to them? I would like to know this answer from Dish myself.

That is rediculous that they wont let you sell your receivers on ebay that they have something against that. Why dont they go after all the others that are selling receivers on ebay and stop them if they have something against it. Whats it to them anyways? They treat you like a theif even after you deactivate the receivers.

You mean Dish Network got mad because a picture of their receiver with their logo was on an auction? Sounds like they are getting really greedy. They must want to keep all of the sales to themselves and want you to sell the receivers back to them for $25.
Iceberg said:
nope. I think there is something like 13 or 14 remotes on the table next to me :D
sad part is I know which one goes where :eek:

I guess having that many remotes is another good way to keep your wife from messing with things:D
Ken P. said:
If you say each receiver is plugged into a telephone 24/7 then I stop right there, just make sure the dial properties are set to *67 to access an outside line so the audit system will see your phone number when they dial out if you have an anonomous call feature that restricts people from veiwing your telephone number :) Problem solved sorry for any hassle

Ken P. no one has to put *67 in the dialing prefix

You are the person who posted this

Ken P. said:
Dual tuners are required to be connected to a phone-line at all times to avoid a monthly fee recently bumped up to $5.00 per dual tuner not connected.

Your receiver must be plugged into a phone line to order pay-per-view events unless you order directly by our toll free number or over the INTERNET.

The purpose of plugging your tuners into a phone-line is our way of monitoring what you watch so we know what programming we offer is most appealing to our customers and how to rate it.

We also use this method as an anti-piracy attempt to make sure our customers are not watching events without authorization as well as a way to avoid account splitting since the receiver can be hooked up pretty much anywhere you have a compatible Dish setup.

NO... Your receivers do not have to be hooked up to phone-lines but in order to avoid contributing to our anti-piracy fund while making our systems more user friendly I personally suggest plugging them in.

Just another way to help us provide you with the lowest rates in quality programming!

From this thread

And I am still waiting for info on this statement from the above post
"We also use this method as an anti-piracy attempt to make sure our customers are not watching events without authorization"

and this one

"The purpose of plugging your tuners into a phone-line is our way of monitoring what you watch so we know what programming we offer is most appealing to our customers and how to rate it."

And right here you say receivers do not have to hooked to a phone line

"NO... Your receivers do not have to be hooked up to phone-lines"

You post as if you are speaking for Dishnetwork, is that so?

Wow, sounds like renting equipment from saddam!
I am SO glad I have D* 7 active recievers and 2 inactive in the last 6 mounths!
Only 3 of them TOTAL have phone lines hooked up to them.
I dare anyone to call me about them (if they get my wife, then they will wish they were dead) 2 of the recievers are more than 90 min drive from my house (in my 5th wheel) and D* knew this and offered to send an installer out there to set them up as well at no cost!
I have a piece of paper with all the ird numbers and card numbers on them along with were D* thinks the are. I have 3 bedrooms, a computer room, living room, theater room, plus the garage and the 5th wheel. I will be re activation the other 2 recievers very soon. So I will have 8 plus recievers very soon!
I am so glad I did not go with E*.

PS sorry i posted in the E* side but read the headline and could not resist. Talk about big brother looking over your shoulder! (keep in mind whatever channel happened to be on when you went to bed is now your FAVORITE channel since it is on the most (hope it wasnt the wife watching a lifetime movie!).

Who's giving up their 921/942 to E* for the $200 Credit?

Dish upgrade

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