Adding a 3rd Joey.


Original poster
Jul 20, 2017
Currently have hopper 3 and 2 4K joeys. I need to add a 3rd Joey but the node in my attic is full. It has one line from satellite dish, one to hopper, and one to each Joey. Can I use a splitter on one of the lines to a Joey to add another?
Currently have hopper 3 and 2 4K joeys. I need to add a 3rd Joey but the node in my attic is full. It has one line from satellite dish, one to hopper, and one to each Joey. Can I use a splitter on one of the lines to a Joey to add another?

Yes, you want to make sure it is rated to 1,000 MHz or higher, but most any splitter will work.

CSN Northwest

Hoper 3 remote question

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