Advice on "Ebay" Recievers


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Pub Member / Supporter
Jan 20, 2006
Morganton, NC
I am contemplating a couple of DISH receivers on Ebay and need a little advice. I've already called DISH Network about one receiver and they verified it had a $0 balance. However, they advised that I should have the seller call to inform DISH Network that they are selling the receiver to avert possible ownership dispute in the future. How important are EITHER of these points? Can anything come back to haunt me if I don't address either of these items prior to a used-receiver purchase?

That is...

(1) Verifying the receiver has a $0 balance

(2) Seller notifying DISH Network they are selling the receiver.

Thanks, in advance!

I've got two 625's that I will be putting on ebay shortly. I have contacted Dish and made sure that they had a zero balance and that they were removed from my account in preparation for this move. You should have no problem with your plan.
I've bought & sold several receivers on ebay, and never heard of, or had issues with point #2.


It can be a problem as in some cases Dish does not remove a receiver from your account completely. They deactivate the receiver but still list it on your account, so if you sell it to somebody else Dish may NOT be able to activate the receiver because it is already listed on another persons account.

I have sold several on ebay over the years, always deactivated and zero balance, I am on autopay.

Once I had to call in and specifically tell them to "release" it from my account, they wouldn't activate it for the buyer because it was still on my account.

Another time they wouldn't activate it because I had a "balance." I had to call in, explain that I am on autopay and my balance gets paid in full every month, they made a note on my account, released it and allowed the activation.
0 balance is a necessity

purple card is really almost a necessity too so you dont have to deal with trying to get a new card

I've purchased and sold many receivers on issues except for one when Dish couldn't check the balance. Turns out the reciever was fresh and never in the stream :)
eacalhoun #2 may have been a polite way for DISH telling you the potential seller didn't own the receiver, it was leased property of DISH Network.

#3 that hasn't been mentioned is giving DISH the R00# to verify it isn't leased.

After getting a clear check call and do it again if you get the same answer from 2 CSRs you probably have correct facts.
Buy from someone with 100% positive feedback and pay with paypal in case issues arise.

Buying abrand new box appears a good idea. Espically if its a DVR with a hard drive.
eacalhoun #2 may have been a polite way for DISH telling you the potential seller didn't own the receiver, it was leased property of DISH Network.

#3 that hasn't been mentioned is giving DISH the R00# to verify it isn't leased.

After getting a clear check call and do it again if you get the same answer from 2 CSRs you probably have correct facts.

Thanks for all the replies!! And boba, I did call a 2nd CSR, she verified the $0 balance provided by the 1st CSR. I then asked the 2nd CSR to determine ownership -- she said it was owned but the party was no longer a subscriber. The CSR assured me that I would be free and clear to activate the receiver. (Side question -- I guess DISH still maintains a record of an "owned" receiver, even if the owner is no longer a customer?) Also, DISH will provide me a Free card -- no strings, no committment -- and all I did was ask about the cost of a new card.

Thanks again for everyone's advice.

I sold a new receiver on ebay, sealed in plastic. The CSR told buyer that it would cost $50 for a new card plus shipping. Buyer filed dispute. I thought they would provide card free of charge if it was a new receiver. I know that they even provided a free card on some of the used receivers but sometimes they try to charge you for them as well.
I sold a new receiver on ebay, sealed in plastic. The CSR told buyer that it would cost $50 for a new card plus shipping. Buyer filed dispute. I thought they would provide card free of charge if it was a new receiver. I know that they even provided a free card on some of the used receivers but sometimes they try to charge you for them as well.

I bought a brand new 722K the embeded card was outdated, E sent a new card for free:) Their documentation asked for the old card back. So I called and asked just how i could do that.....:)

E rep said just forget it.......
Advatages to owning:)


Can upgrade hard drive if I want, did that converting 522s to 625s.

Can sell any receiver for whatever its worth when I am done with it:)

Frequently lease upgrade price isnt much less than purchase.

If I accidently damage a leased receiver I am on the hook for its retail price
If I accidently damage a owned receiver at most I lose no more than I spent to purchase it..
This happened once tripped carrying a big cup of water, which got into receiver and fried it smoke came out:(

E wants 15 bucks per box to return leased boxes. Owned that isnt a issue:)

theres likely more good reasons to buy but these are major ones

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