Al Jazeera Sports Network and wider distribution?


SatelliteGuys Master
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Pub Member / Supporter
Feb 27, 2010
There are rumors that the Al Jazeera Sports Network have won broadcasting rights to La Liga (Spanish Premier League) in the US, taking it from Gol TV. I'm not aware of anyone having access to this other than via an International Sports Package. I have a hard time thinking Al Jazeera would make such a move if they didn't plan on becoming more widely distributed by next August when the following season starts, unless they just plan to sell airing rights online to ESPN.

Any word on something as such with Dish Network? My understanding is that only Dish offers the channel at all.
Obviously I don't actually know, but I would say yes, there is a chance.
There is a chance, but I SERIOUSLY doubt that it will be available. They have been trying like hell to get somebody to even talk to them about carrying Al Jazeera English, the news channel.
Rumors say they also just got the Serie A rights in the US. So either they are planning to resell the rights to Fox and/or ESPN, or they have to be looking at buying someone or starting a new station.
I agree that it should be available under the right conditions. Just seems like a lot of providers think there is a stigma with Al Jazeera. I still see ignorant comments about how Al Jazeera English is a terrorist news channel. There are Arabic and middle Eastern channels out there that don't have the end of the world as their goal, people.

All in one service with dish coming soon??

Joey connection issue

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