Almost a new Dish Network Customer


Original poster
Oct 26, 2006
I've read around this site for a week and have a few questions before I call and order - I'm not sure about the competence of the Dish phone center from some posts here.

I want to get the German TV package (2 channels ) and the Polish Package ( 2 or 3 channels, I'm not interested in the Polish movie only channel). I'd like to get the DVR too. I have one small 12 inch OTA set that I want to keep as OTA, and I plan to get a new flat screen HD set that I hope to use for OTA HD ( not the HD-lite ). The new TV would be the only set used for Dish programming. I'd probably get the Family programming package. Can I get OTA by anntena and Dish Network on the same set? Or must I buy the local channel package?

What are possible Dish Network receivers I should consider with this set-up? Also, I've seen some folks around Chicago suburbs have their dish mounted on some sort of pole anchored to the ground instead of mounted on the roof. My roof has a terrible pitch and if I can avoid having someone be up there to install the dish, I'd like that. Are the ground level mounts Ok? Is the roof better?

You would wind up paying a lot more for a dish HD receiver if you were only going to use it for OTA. If you make sure your HDTV has an Digital tuner you could use any sd Dish receiver and not pay anything for the OTA by switching the tuner on the tv. As far as your OTA setup, check plug in you zip code and that should help you on the antenna setup.

single mode 622 for SD only ?

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