Another way Dish detracting people to get 2nd dish?

Mr Tony

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
Mankato, MN
Interesting thing I noticed last nite.

Minneapolis DMA viewers got another channel added yesterday. KAWE (PBS) was added, but on the wing slot. So you need a 2nd dish. Here is what is weird.....

In 2002 when I hooked up Dish, Mpls had one station on a wing. KTCI (the 2nd PBS in the Mpls area) was at 61.5. When you selected it, you got the "You need a second dish" screen. The channel was in the guide and if you used the channel up/down, it would be there. In March 03, it moved to 110 (about a week after I got my 2nd dish).

Now yesterday KAWE is turned on. When you select it manually, it gives you the "You need a second dish" but when you use the channel up/down, IT SKIPS THE CHANNEL!! It goes 11, 17, 23...when it should be 11, 17, 22, 23. I even put it in my personal list and it does the same thing. Unless you go in the guide, you wouldn't know it was there.

Now I know there has been issues of CSR's trying to convince people not to get the 2nd dish, but is this another way for Dish to detract people from getting the 2nd dish? Has anyone else seen this happen?

I put up the 2nd (or should I say, my 5th) dish and got to view the channel last nite to view the channel. Looks real good considering they had to figure out how to get the signal over 175 miles to the POP.

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