Any D10-200s or D-10-300s updated??

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Jason B

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 8, 2005
Just wondering if anyone has a D10-200 or D10-300 that has received the new software update 0X1040..

I forced an update on 2 D10-200 receivers today, both now run xx1040. mind you it took 5 or 6 tries to get the reiver to take the update. but the new software does fix the problem I was having with the guide breaking after using active.
what would happen on my D10-200. basically, after using active, if I tried to use the guide to tune in to a channel, instead of tuning in after pressing select, the screen would be blank, and I would have to do a channel up/down to tune into the channel.

As I say, the update seems to have fixed the problem.
My D10-200 has the same problem. I'm going to try to force the update today.. Just wondering if the caller-id is working on your D10-200s after the update??

The D10-300's don't have an update. It's still in testing. Only every other DirecTV Standard reciever gets the update.
Ive tried to force the update on my D10-200 at least 20 times and it wont take it.. Any ideas??

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