Any Irvine (Orange County) 811 users

I am in OC. Anaheim Hills area and I am getting OTA throught the 811. There is a thread on AVS Forums about OTA in OC in general. Get some tips there in terms of antenna and what one can expect. Mine is rock solid with a pre-amp, Channel Master UHF antenna, and an antuentor to adjust the power. Search for Orange County on AVS and you will get a lot of info. You are a bit from Mt Wilson so you might have a better shot with San Diego..
I am on the back side of Cowan Heights (North Tustin). I live right against Peter's canyon. I beleive the LA sations are located at 319 to 321 degrees.

When I point a compass in that direction, it points right into a hill that starts about 5 feet from my house and goes up 100 or so feet pretty steep.

I havent tried OTA because I just figured I am screwed. I am in a canyon. I don't know about the San Diego repeaters as I dont have a clear line of sight, however the hill blocking that is a lot farther away.

I DO have a direct line of sight to a huge antenna thing on top of a mountain off of Jamboree Blvs. I have no idea what it is though.

I sure wish someone could tell me if HD OTA is a possibility. It would be quite a hassle to run another cable, hook up and antenna and have to renturn the antenna if I couldnt get it.

I also dont see any antennas for any of my neighbors on their houses.

I will check the other forum like the last poster recomended. If anyone is from my area and has had success, please post!!!!
I live in Buena Park, Have an 811 and a Radio Shack $29.00 UHF only antenna. I get perfect OTA. I am pointing at Mt. Wilson have a really good line of sight.

I'm in West Irvine. All I get is CBS-DT at 60%-70% (but always ON) on my 811 box with a silver sensor inside the house next to the TV. I do get other channels once in a while but it is a hit or miss. KABC on the other hand is the worst (I've never been able to get it).
hddeprived said:
I'm in West Irvine. All I get is CBS-DT at 60%-70% (but always ON) on my 811 box with a silver sensor inside the house next to the TV. I do get other channels once in a while but it is a hit or miss. KABC on the other hand is the worst (I've never been able to get it).

are you off of Jamboree? By Tustin Ranch? If so, I think the Lemon Heights hill and the Cowan Heights hill block your line of sight to Los Angeles

If you go up jamboree into the city of Orange you will see a antenna tower on the right on top of the hill. Anyone know what those antenna's are?

In my fantasy world, they are a combo cell phone and HDTV repeater. But I am doubtful this is true.
Yes. I'm off Jamboree across from the Golf Course. I don't think the hill is blocking my LOS to Mt. Wilson. I get CBS very solid (I could even knock the antenna off by 15-30 degrees) and some other channels. ABC is no go though.
The antenne (sp?) on the hills are not HDTV repeaters for sure.
Hmm interesting that you get CBS and nothing else. I am Anaheim Hills and I get CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, KTLA, PBS. UPN does not lock but I do get signal. Was not able to get this with the 6000 either. I have a friend off Tustin that is looking to do OTA and I would welcome any advice from someone that has been successful in this area.
CBS should not be a problem for him. As far as my case, I think the hills in Tustin are blocking my LOS. So I'm pretty much SOL. I will have check out the reception by moving the antenna to the attic.
hddeprived said:
CBS should not be a problem for him. As far as my case, I think the hills in Tustin are blocking my LOS. So I'm pretty much SOL. I will have check out the reception by moving the antenna to the attic.

Is your antenna inside the house? Have you tried to see what you get by running line from the inside to the outside and putting it on a ladder or possible on the roof. What type of antenna are you using? I know that when I first tried I used an indoor antenna and got one channel and it was not reliable. After moving it outside I picked up more. I then got a Channel Master UHF only antenna and a pre-amp with an antuenator and this greatly improved my OTA life.
I'm using the Silver Sensor inside the house. I will have to try it outside like you suggested. Where did you get your CM antenna? How about some model numbers for the three things you mentioned.
hddeprived said:
I'm using the Silver Sensor inside the house. I will have to try it outside like you suggested. Where did you get your CM antenna? How about some model numbers for the three things you mentioned.

You can get the Channel Master at Fry's. I should know as I tried to get it to work and couldnt (live in a canyon) and returned it ;)
hddeprived said:
I'm using the Silver Sensor inside the house. I will have to try it outside like you suggested. Where did you get your CM antenna? How about some model numbers for the three things you mentioned.

I have the Channer Master (
Antenna - 3022/4308 Magnadyne
Preamp - 7775
Radio Shack Anntuater (Model number unknown - they only had one).

I suggest going to and checking out what is recommended for your area if any. My info might not be applicable unless i am close you you in location. This is a lot of trail and error. I would suggest the neighborhood walk and find a neighbor that has had success and ask them. If no neighbor has blazed the trail then I suggest read avsforums local OTA forum, take a look at, make an informed choice, and dive in. :D

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