Anyone else with 118.7 problems?


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Original poster
Sep 13, 2003
Nazareth, PA
I have an Eastern Arc 1000.4 with a Dish 500 wing for 118.7 for the Arabic channels.

Lost 118.7 on all my receivers during the night. 61.5, 72 and 77 are all fine. No levels at all indicated on the check switch display.

Before I start going out in the cold to isolate the problem, I just wanted to check to see if anyone else had any issues with 118.7.


had some pretty high winds here last night and it doesn't take much to move 118 out of alignment.

do you know what kind of signal strength you had before?
how it is mounted?
Thanks for the feedback.

You were correct about the winds.

Took my trusty Super Buddy meter and connected it to the 118.7 LNB.

No fix on the satellite. Moved the dish slighty to the right and established connection to the satellite.

Tweeked azimuth and elevation to get maximum reading on the Super Buddy and then tightened everything. Mast bolts weren't as tight as possible and that probably caused the problem. Since I installed the dish I have no one to blame but myself.

Have a great day.

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