At SuperBowl weekend and no 921 -- This Sucks!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 7, 2003
As the promised "we will have our backlog filled by the end of January" now proving to be a trueful as the other promises about the 921, the HD TIVO option is getting closer and closer.

For a product supposed to be released by June, I can't believe that I won't be able to record the Super bowl in HD 7 months later. I sit waiting in line with no apparent way to now where I am at or if I'm even still on the list (at SatelliteGuys waiting list).

I know, I know a bunch of people are in the same boat. But it's surely frustrating!
RobbinM said:
As the promised "we will have our backlog filled by the end of January" now proving to be a trueful as the other promises about the 921, the HD TIVO option is getting closer and closer.

For a product supposed to be released by June, I can't believe that I won't be able to record the Super bowl in HD 7 months later. I sit waiting in line with no apparent way to now where I am at or if I'm even still on the list (at SatelliteGuys waiting list).

I know, I know a bunch of people are in the same boat. But it's surely frustrating!

I felt the same way til my 921 came Wednesday, but after the issues I've had thus far I'm keeping my 6000 'in-the-ready' in case the 921 decides to crash during the guests would skewer me if we lose signal. Makes me even consider running the 6000 instead of the 921 on Sunday, just to be safe.
I have the 921 and 6000 hooked in the main TV room. I am recording the game and planning to watch on the 921 (CBS-HD off sat) but am prepared for disaster with the 6000 as backup. I have not really had any issues with my 921 to date (2 weeks running) but I don;t want to miss anything.
You want to talk about frustration? I finally got my 921 but I have to get on the roof, to switch some of the cables around, to be able to hook it up. The only problem is the 3 inches of snow that is still covering that area of my roof.

Yeah that does suck.

My only big fear for tommorow is my local CBS is at low power, most of the time it comes in, I hope tommorow there are no problems.

I just heard that the show will not be in 5.1 sound. Hope thats not true.

need help deciding on AEK or Value Pak?

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