audio line out


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 13, 2008
Can I somehow get the audio from CNN on my dish setup and cable it to my radio aux jack so I can have news radio on my radio....I dont get any news stations
in my rural location...????
Several ways, I would use the audio out of the Dish Receiver to a FM transmitter then set your radio to whatever channel the transmitter is set to. That would provide the best solution in my opinion because you could take the radio most anywhere in the house. By the way keep in mind you could get music that way from the Dish music channels, or get any audio from any channel. FM transmitters do not cost much.
can I do it without a picture and /or sound on the TV??? Should I use the out jack on the TV or the receiver??? The receiver doesnt seem to have a simple line out(625) .I only use the 1 on my receiver.My receiver has the digital audio output but its a strange plug. other than that I dont see anything else except
I've never seen a real 625, but all the pictures I can find of one have RCA left and right line out jacks. What kind of connection are you looking for exactly?
There ought to be yellow, red and white RCA jacks. But are you trying to get audio out that isn't for the channel on the screen? If you are then you are out of luck.

I know you probably don't to spend more money but Sirius/XM satellite radio carries several sound tracks from CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, ect. The equipment isn't very expensive and the service is around $12 a month.

Not happy with the Dish Hopper DVR

For those getting Dish network Robocalls

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