Back to Dish after 3 years away


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
May 4, 2006
Central PA
10 year E* customer that went to DirecTV strictly for the MLB Network and MLB: EI.
Now that Dish Network has the MLB Network and I saved beacoup $$$ by switching to, I want to come back home to Dish Network and watch Charlie Chats and see if my old 501 will still boot up and play my DVR'd shows from 2008 :)

When I left, the Eastern Arc was being rolled out - seems like that's where all HD is coming from now?
Can anyone give me the cliff-notes version of everything new with the technology & equipment & receivers?

Eastern arc is only needed in certain markets or is an option for Los issues. Get a 722k with a sling adapter. Your 501 will work but not for long either
They won't activate a 501 on EA, but will on WA. HD comes from various satellites on both EA & WA. EA covers 61.5, 72 & 77. 77 is now mainly for some locals, but that might change in the future. If you are EA, you'll get a 1000.4 dish that will pick up all three, and you'll be set for future changes.

And about those Charlie Chats - uh, umm, err.........
I'm kidding about the 501. I think it was in the process of dieing back in '08 and that helped seal the deal for the move to D*.
I'm trying to learn about the current receivers and the advantages that Sling brings. Wouldn't the 911 be a better deal with Sling built in?

are there new receivers on the horizon that I should just hunker down and wait for?
Though I do remember that some of those waits tended to go on for a while.....

FYI, I'm in central PA.
From what I've read, that's Eastern Arc territory.
so that means I'm looking at 61.5 and some other nearby slots, instead of 110 & 119?
FYI, I'm in central PA.
From what I've read, that's Eastern Arc territory.
so that means I'm looking at 61.5 and some other nearby slots, instead of 110 & 119?
I don't know that "central PA" is specific enough. What locals did you get from Dish previously (same as you'd get currently with D* too) ? That determines Eastern Arc or Western Arc.
schneider21: The 911 will never have Sling nor anything else, it is dead to HD--might do SD on a moderate disk size and will not be enabled, now. You are thinking of the 922 perhaps.
No such thing as a 911. Charlie chats are gone since he's no longer CEO (he's still chairman so he hasn't gone away completely) As for which arc you need to be on, again as others have said, it depends which locals you receive.
Told ya I needed a refresher - 922, 911 - sling loaded, multiple room - so much to relearn.

I'm in the Harrisburg DMA. Just west of Philly.
Sorry schneider21, yes confusing numbers and I had a 811 a one time--a smaller doorstop on another kind--taken back. I was thinking of 921 when I said $1000 911 in response to a thread using that number. Just as well that there was no 911 emergency of any kind.

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