Blue Planet II in 4k??


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 18, 2007
Twin Cities MN
Hey this starts tonight, not seeing a 4k listing anywhere.
The last spring series was also on 540 in 4k, hopper 3 and Joey 4k

Any information on this?? Thanks!
PS next week has the show as new, but a different title, so no way to record the series. Dang guide has been terrible the last 6 months or more since the switch.
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Hey this starts tonight, not seeing a 4k listing anywhere.
The last spring series was also on 540 in 4k, hopper 3 and Joey 4k

Any information on this?? Thanks!
PS next week has the show as new, but a different title, so no way to record the series. Dang guide has been terrible the last 6 months or more since the switch.
Blue PlanetII and Planet EarthII (the one that was in 4K) are different programs. I don’t beleive Blue Planet will be available anywhere in 4K.
It is not available in 4K on Dish. I was disappointed since Direct TV is supposedly showing it in 4K.

In order to get the series timer to work correctly, I had to delete the timer I created last week and recreate the timer. The new timer then shows up on the schedule for tonight and next Saturday.

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