Boston to ban/limit DBS dishes?

Tom Bombadil

Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
May 5, 2005
Chicago-Milwaukee Region
BOSTON -- Quick. How can you tell which way is south in Boston? Answer: Just look up to see what direction everybody's satellite TV dishes are pointed.

The proliferation of satellite television from companies like DirectTV and EchoStar has some city councilors here considering an ordinance to minimize the visibility of the dishes in the name of preserving the historic charm of neighborhoods.

Installers often forego roofs and backs of buildings, opting to bolt the receivers near windows facing streets. Rather than reusing or dismantling older dishes, companies usually tack on another dish for each new customer in an apartment. The result, as seen in photos at a city council meeting Friday, are mutliplexes that begin to look like the Star Ship Enterprise.

"The building next to my home, which only has two tenants now who have satellite, has nine dishes, and it's because [of] people who have moved in and out," Gregg Iezza, an East Boston resident, stated at the hearing. "The satellite dishes almost kept us [from moving to] East Boston."

Beantown is the first major city to take on the issue, but it's unlikely to be the last, as gentrifying urban areas grow more sensitive to property values, and as the dishes accumulate with renter turnover. Less clear is whether federal rules allow municipal governments much leeway to regulate the matter.

A 1996 federal law mandated the Over-the-Air Receptions Devices Rule, prohibiting restrictions that cause unreasonable delays or costs, or preclude decent reception. Safety is one exception. Historic preservation is another, as long as the location is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

But the industry says exemption doesn't apply to wide areas. "You can't just say, 'Oh that's an historic area of Boston' and then do broad-based legislation that would impede someone's rights to [satellite] programming," said Patricia Sumler of the Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association. "We are very mindful of the aesthetics issue ... [and] we are willing to help you try and find a solution."

City Council president Michael Flaherty raised the issue after receiving a constituent complaint. He says he was skeptical at first, but after walking with the resident, and hearing from others, he changed his view about the dishes. "This sounds crazy, but now I notice them," Mr. Flaherty says.

Other factors are at play, too, Mr. Flaherty says. "There's been a gentrification of the City of Boston and ... there's a lot of pride in all the neighborhoods of Boston, that may be part of it."

Some are critical of Flaherty's motives. Local bloggers point out he has received contributions in the past 16 months from executives at Comcast Cable, which competes with satellite TV.

Critics also argue that he is targeting immigrants, many of whom subscribe to satellite to get programming from home countries. Flaherty addressed this Friday: "This is not an effort to deny one's access to a satellite TV. It's not aimed at a specific community or demographic."

Flaherty's office received a call of support from a councilman in York, Pa., which enacted restrictions on dishes in April. Historic preservation and aesthetics are concerns for the city of 40,000 where the Articles of Confederation were adopted.

"We're protecting property values and ... neighbors' investment," says Joe Musso, a York councilman.

York's ordinance prevents installation on the front facade of houses if it can be avoided. The rule applies within the historic district, roughly 20 percent of the city. But Mr. Musso says he'd like to extend it citywide.

The satellite TV industry hasn't challenged York's law, though an industry press release takes issue with its legality. The statement notes that not all of the historic district is included in, or eligible for the National Register, and that noncompliance fines of $100 to $1,000 are "excessive and almost certainly would be struck down if challenged."

At the Boston hearing, Ms. Sumler agreed to participate in a joint task force.

She noted problems with basic solutions. Installers are increasingly avoiding rooftops because of liability issues and the higher costs of added install time and cable length. Dishes must point south to receive satellite signals, making some back-of-building mounts impossible. A dish can only be shared with landlord approval. And installers cannot remove old dishes because the original customer owns them.
I think this has some legitimacy. Dishes bolted onto the fronts of historic buildings do look awful.

I would agree. As long as such restrictions on private property use are permitted, dishes should be minimized to the extent the law permits. It would help everybody if dishes were painted to blend in with the environment. Not much that is natural is flat grey in color. I always do it with my dishes. A white house gets a white dish or some color that complements the exterior such as the trim. I once had both in forest green and it looked really nice. A little masking tape and the LNBF is done as well with no ill effects. I recommend stripping the grey first and using an appropriate primer. And consider a larger than standard dish - it can make the difference during a monsoon or if the telephone truck creates a partial blockage.
Flaherty's office received a call of support from a councilman in York, Pa., which enacted restrictions on dishes in April. Historic preservation and aesthetics are concerns for the city of 40,000 where the Articles of Confederation were adopted.

"We're protecting property values and ... neighbors' investment," says Joe Musso, a York councilman.

York's ordinance prevents installation on the front facade of houses if it can be avoided. The rule applies within the historic district, roughly 20 percent of the city. But Mr. Musso says he'd like to extend it citywide.

Trust me, there is no more widely ignored ordinance in York, than that one.
Beside, the "where possible" clause pretty much makes the ordinace worthless.

And there are no property values in downtown York. Row Houses go for well under 40 grand, meanwhile outside of the city limits, my house is 200+ :D
I can't believe I'm doing this but, I agree.

I grew up in Boston, my aunt and uncle own a brownstone on Marlboro Street. Most owners there won't let tenants run cables thru the walls or do stuff like bolt dishes to window frames . . . they live on the third floor, no cable cause they don't want anyone drilling thru the bricks and what not, also they have dial up since their old phone wiring won't supposrt DSL. In a way it's good to see people care about what they own. :D

I think this has some legitimacy. Dishes bolted onto the fronts of historic buildings do look awful.
I would agree. As long as such restrictions on private property use are permitted, dishes should be minimized to the extent the law permits. It would help everybody if dishes were painted to blend in with the environment. Not much that is natural is flat grey in color. I always do it with my dishes. A white house gets a white dish or some color that complements the exterior such as the trim. I once had both in forest green and it looked really nice. A little masking tape and the LNBF is done as well with no ill effects. I recommend stripping the grey first and using an appropriate primer. And consider a larger than standard dish - it can make the difference during a monsoon or if the telephone truck creates a partial blockage.
...and up here in Vermont we us a "log" textured Dish that is quite in keeping with the landscape and of course can be stained to suit the owner. Oh yes, and we have a special order genuine, imitation ceder-shakes dish for roof top installations.
lol.gif lol.gif

Just in case you were serious, no offense intended Tom.:D
You would think that the insaller would re-use existing poles and dishes if available and in good conditon. In the orignal post , the person complained that in the house next door with two apartments, had 9 dishes attached to the outside of the bldg. That's just plain dumb. At the very least, the pole mount could of been re-used and most likley the entire hardware setup.
None taken.

I don't care about the dishes in most places. And a lot of older sections are crappy looking. But I do like strolling down historic lanes, like in some areas of Boston, Charleston SC, Portsmouth, etc., and dishes bolted to the fronts of those buildings are an eyesore. Most of those truly historic areas won't allow anything to deface the character of a building, but if you don't have an ordinance, then you can bet that someone is going to do it.
I alway try my hardest to hide dishes I install, very very rarely do i put on on a front of a house. I alway try to put them on the back side of the house pointing south if I can. nothing distracts from the beauty of a house is several dishes hanging off of it.
That and there is probably a company policy saying don't take down other people's stuff . . . they don't know who's using what there. Why risk breaking something for someone else??
I think this has some legitimacy. Dishes bolted onto the fronts of historic buildings do look awful.

I agree. We need to tear down those old buildings and put up something new to match our dishes.

I swear people with their historic preservation crusades drive me nuts. I can't ever see anyone of my generation standing in front of a bulldozer 40 years from now screaming "save the old Wal-Mart!"
You won't see anyone trying to preserve a plain box 1960's building now.

They usually have to have architectural significance, historical significance, or be pretty old (>100 years).

Rest assured though that people in your generation will be seeking to save older, historical buildings 40 years from now.
Trust me, there is no more widely ignored ordinance in York, than that one.
Beside, the "where possible" clause pretty much makes the ordinace worthless.

And there are no property values in downtown York. Row Houses go for well under 40 grand, meanwhile outside of the city limits, my house is 200+ :D

At least one can BUY a house in/near York.

In Boston, you pay out the nose to live in the BAD areas!

I've been to York PA is kinda funny to see all those dishes on the historic buildings.

Which is better? DishMover or New customer?

SF vs Sacramento Locals?

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