Boston to ban/limit DBS dishes?

You would think that the insaller would re-use existing poles and dishes if available and in good conditon. In the orignal post , the person complained that in the house next door with two apartments, had 9 dishes attached to the outside of the bldg. That's just plain dumb. At the very least, the pole mount could of been re-used and most likley the entire hardware setup.

Depending on the slope of your roof, it's quite possible to put a dish on the north side of the roof of a south-facing house, as long as the angle of the roof pitch is less than the 30 or so degrees that the dish has to point to to reach the satellites. The dish is basically facing "backwards" from the perspective of the roof pitch but it harder to see. Doing this it's not visible from the ground from the front of the house.
you know what would be nice.. if you could install a dish in a space that can view the sky, be kinda hidden, and then with some technology, run the cable to every house on a block. something like a 4x1000 switch of some kind.. before anyone says that it's not possable. well think about it.. it can happen, they can develope something that would let 8 boxes per house, per dish. some odd setup that would recive all sats, and distrabute them appropitaly.

it's possable.. the question is how?

Wow, let's see, um, so many dishes, ...must mean the cable company really really sux. lol

I'm also curious, in the areas where the dishes are generating the complaints, are all the utilities underground? ...or heaven's forbid, there aren't all those unsightly phone/power/cable tv poles are there?
you know what would be nice.. if you could install a dish in a space that can view the sky, be kinda hidden, and then with some technology, run the cable to every house on a block. something like a 4x1000 switch of some kind.. before anyone says that it's not possable. well think about it.. it can happen, they can develope something that would let 8 boxes per house, per dish. some odd setup that would recive all sats, and distrabute them appropitaly.

it's possable.. the question is how?

e..b you mean one satellite for several people?

They call that cable TV.

Some apartment owners here make the installers either remove the old dish or reuse the old J-arm and existing cable must be used or replaced. That makes sense so in a complex with 4 apartments you only have 4 dishes. When I installed cable you would see some apartment complexes with 20 dishes and tons of cables dangling around that aren't even being used with new holes drilled right next to them for new cables.
I think this has some legitimacy. Dishes bolted onto the fronts of historic buildings do look awful.

There is no need for the City Of Boston to stick it's nose into what is obviously an opportunity to score political points with a certain constituency..notice how many times the word "gentrification" of "gentrified" was used..This is a clear indication that lower midle class people are moving out and upper middle class/wealthy real estate value/equity conscious people are moving in..
The SHRVA regulations already give discretion to places registered as National Historic Districts to ban satellite antennas of any kind from the front facing parts of structures within these districts..What Boston's busybodies are contemplating is an end around SHRVA...
now I will agree that dishes left behind by former owners/tenants of these apartemnt buildings are unsightly..I believe if the owners or managent companies oif these buidings had an ounceof pride thye would see to it that al tenants or owners sign an agrrement that if they move out, they must remove their satellite antenna or face forfeiture of thei security deposit..
No need fo rconcern, there is already federal precendent here and local law cannot supercede federal law...
I was wondering about that also. That would be less work for them, wouldn't it?
YES..And I would it if it was in good condition and mounted properly....Howver..I run into this situation quite ofen with Latinos...
I will go to a rental property and there will be a Dish on site..The customer I am servicing is moving in with another Dish customer..The mover in wants their system installed with their own dish....Thus we end up with two dishes on the house..Now one may ask how this is done ..How does Duish allow two accounts at the same address..The answer is Dish does not allow this...But the custs are smart enough to simply add a #1 or and "A" to the address of the home .For example..I will see an address like this...125 A South St...The "A" is ficticious because the home is a single family unit...Now on apartments, a cust can put all kinds of letters or numbers to "create" and address..This I believe is the reason why we see multiple dishes
I agree. We need to tear down those old buildings and put up something new to match our dishes.

I swear people with their historic preservation crusades drive me nuts. I can't ever see anyone of my generation standing in front of a bulldozer 40 years from now screaming "save the old Wal-Mart!"
There is a section of neaby Charlotte,NC that was the site of a huge cat fight betwen the long time residents and the recently moved in..The old timers seeing the small older homes torn down and replaced with larger more modern structures, got together to try to have the area declared a historic district...This action would have prevented any renovations to the front facades of the homes as well as the roof, doors, windows and landscaping...These homes were mostly ranch style homes and some two story structures..Most were built in the 50's and 60'ss..Some are older..The issue at hand was the old timers didn't like the idea of the new people moving in and chaging things....So they tried to use the Historic status as a tool to take conmtrol of other's property..didn't fly....
Oh yeah, don't get me started on Home Owners Associations...

Which is better? DishMover or New customer?

SF vs Sacramento Locals?

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