BSG Season 3.5 on Scifi, 1/21/07 & 3.0 on UHD 1/27/07


Hardly Normal
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 14, 2006
Normal, IL
After what seems like the longest time, Battlestar Galactica is back this Friday evening for season 3. I am very much looking forward to see how the show plays out after the mind-blowing end to season 2. Since it is starting later, we won't have a long hiatus in the middle like SciFi Friday has with the Gates.

According to epguides, there are 19 episodes this season, to be shown between Friday Oct 6 and March 2, 2007. Lots to look forward to.
dfergie said:
Yup... Going to resub to a C-band package for better PQ on SciFi...

If only I had a C-band dish....

What does that cost for the package?

It makes me wish I could convince my wife into letting me get one of the Canadian sat services; I assume they get it in HD like they get Atlantis....
Now add a midi or mp3 file with the appropriate music, and we are ready to go!! :D

And remember folks, you can watch all ten of the webisodes on to give you a bit more BSG!
WOW, great episode for everyone looking to feed that BSG craving. Not going to say much as I know some people probably haven't seen it but it was fairly dark with several surprises and an interesting ending!

I agree I have to re-watch this episode... BSG is getting ready for war... and consequences beyond believe. Baltar is finally going to get what he deserves (I really hope). Didn't they kill the ending by giving us previews of the next episode?

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