Bug in satguys app for ipad

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Something Profound
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Pub Member / Supporter
Sep 20, 2007
Can anyone reproduce this? When I try and update my signature in the app settings the app crashes, and doesn't completely save my settings. I tried multiple times and even rebooted and got the same issue.

Running the most current app version with most current iOS on an iPad 2.

Sent from my iPad2 using SatelliteGuys
Seeing the same thing when I try to update the send signature. Maybe it's hard-coded and can't be updated?
Last edited:
Tried it and same issue here.

Sent from my iPad using SatelliteGuys
dont24 said:
Seeing the same thing when I try to update the send signature. Maybe it's hard-coded and can't be updated?

No it can be updated. I changed mine twice and was going to do it again until this issue came up.

Sent from my iPad2 using SatelliteGuys
I tried submitting a report. I'm not sure if it worked or not. I didn't feel like signing up for an account to post on their forum so I tried at the contact us link, but when I submitted it it said "Invalid URL redirect link," you know the same thing that this website has when you log in. In any case I hope the right people get the message.
Just FYI I got an email the other night that said the Apple Connect site is closed this week so I am not expecting any updates released this week since Apple is not accepting uploads of changed programs this week.
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