Called Tech Support last night about guide


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 11, 2003
Las Cruces, NM
Talked to a friendly lady that knew about the 811 problems. Did a power reset (hold down the power button for 15+ seconds on the box) and it cleared the guide and now goes out till Weds. (from last night)

She said there should be a S/W update coming out in the next couple of weeks to address the S/W bug on the guide and dark video and that they were testing it now.

Hope she's correct.
I have a 6000 arriving in a day or two. Going to activate it and put it next to the 811, then get a Dish tech. to come out - and weep. If enough of us cause Dish enough grief, we will get a good resolution.


Whats With EI in Guide

Phone line required??

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