Can I use a combiner with the 622?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Feb 10, 2006
Waterloo, Iowa
Just wondering if I could use a combiner to combine OTA and a Dish 1000 feed? I think this would work, can anyone confirm?

OTA ---> Combiner ..... Dish 1000 ----> Combiner -----> single coax run ----> Combiner ----> one side to OTA Input on 622 or tv receiver and the other side to a short coax run ---> Vip 622 separtor ----> TV 1 and other side to TV 2. Would lthis work? THANKS for the input!
yes it will

but you only need one diplexer outside to combine the Dish & OTA. Run into house and use a diplexer to split to satellite & OTA :)
Thanks sir! I see my description was bad :) I meant one diplexer on the outside and one on the inside :) I think this just solved my placement issues! I can have OTA and feed the dual tuner vip 622 without any more cable runs! YEAH! :)
I know you're also planning a single sat. cable run to both of your receivers. If you're putting the OTA signals into the feed to the 622, make sure you pull them out with the inside diplexer placed before the separator...

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